Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Acute and Sub- chronic Toxicity Study of Encapsulation of Combine Plants Extract of Ficus deltoidea and Gynocthodes sublanceolata in Balb/c Mice Model

Rafida Kh. Ahmed A, M. Syarhabilahmad A, Midhat Nabil A, Fouad Saleih R. Al –Suede B,*

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 3(1) 147-155

Submitted: 19 August 2019  Revised: 25 December 2019  Published: 30 December 2019 


This study aimed to evaluate the safety of dose range of encapsulated extract with Nano hydroxyapatite from a combination of Ficus deltoidea and Gynocthodes sublanceolata leaves by inducing "acute and sub-chronic toxicity" based on an animal model. A single dose (300, 2000 and 4000 mg/kg) of encapsulated combination extracts were administrated orally in the acute toxicity trial and the toxic effects were assessed up to 72 h post-treatment. While, in the sub-chronic study, the encapsulated combination extract was given orally at doses of 600 12 and 1000 mg/kg for 28 days. Hematological and histopathological analysis of some vital organs were evaluated. Neither in the acute toxicity trial nor the sub-chronic toxicity groups, was mortality observed throughout the experimental period. Significant increasing was seen in the SGOT and SGPT level following the administration of tested encapsulated plant extract (600, 1000 mg/kg) and histological evaluation showed the normal tissue limit of liver, kidney and spleen. It was concluded that the oral treatment with encapsulated plant extract did not appear adverse side effect and it is safe to use for therapeutic purposes.

Key Words: Toxicity, Medicinal herb, Safety, Ficus deltoidea and Gynocthodes sublanceolata


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