Journal of Angiotherapy
Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

General Information


General Information of Article

Article Submission Checklist

Cover Letter

Main Manuscript

Graphical Abstract

Supporting Information

Review-Only Material

Author Details

Manuscript Details



Publication Frequency

Journal Officials

Abstracting and Indexing


General Information of Article

Journal of Angiotherapy publishes research and review articles on all aspects of biomedical, medicine, public health,  disease mechanisms, health Interventions, clinical & translational research, molecular biology, drug delivery, and drug discovery, biochemistry and integrative biological sciences (please read the full scope in the author section). Full-length articles presenting the results of original research, Review, Data report and brief communications are featured. The Journal publish article continuously. All accepted manuscripts are granted online open-access immediately after publication, which permits its users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles, thus facilitating access to a broad readership.

When submitting an article to the Journal of Angiotherapy authors are not charged any fees. The correspondng author of accepted manuscript will be charged for a publication fees. All publications in this journal are covered according to creative common licesnse and ER open access policy. The author must choose open access option to publush their paper with certain fees (please see details fees and other charges in open access section. To support rapid publication, authors are required to submit new manuscripts via the secure ER SystemCentral. The journal does not accept mailed hardcopy manuscripts or manuscripts submitted by email. A Submission Checklist is available to help authors to provide all relevant data and information. Authors can interrupt the submission process at any time. When returning to the Beilstein Publishing System, authors may select the manuscript concerned and continue where they stopped.

Manuscripts which fall within the scope of the journal and are of potential interest to its readership are subject to a peer review process. Based on the referees' recommendation the corresponding editor makes a decision on the manuscript regarding publication, revision or rejection (for more information see the Instructions for Referees). In case of acceptance, all papers are subject to copyediting and layout to ensure that they conform to the journal style. Once the submitting author returns a corrected proof of the manuscript new articles are posted online as a formatted final PDF file and full text HTML version.

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Article Submission Checklist

Before submitting your manuscript to the ER's SystemCentral - online manuscript submission and peer-review management system, please ensure that you have prepared all relevant materials according to the Instructions for Authors
Special care should be taken that all graphics conform to the figure and scheme preparation guidelines described therein. 
Please note that you must be one of the contributing authors to be eligible to submit the manuscript.

The following information and files must be available prior to submission:

  • Cover Letter: Authors are requested to explain in the cover letter why the manuscript is regarded as suitable for publication in the Eman Research Publishing Journals bearing in mind the publication criteria: high quality, originality, novelty and importance. The cover letter should include the title of the manuscript, the submitting author's name and an indication whether the manuscript belongs to a thematic issue. Any issues concerning the submission conditions of the journal should also be mentioned in the cover letter.
  • Main Manuscript: The main manuscript must be provided in a standard file format (MS Word, LaTeX) including all equations, figures, schemes and tables. Uploading of individual high-quality graphic files may be required during the revision stage of the manuscript (acceptable file formats: SVG, PNG, CDX, GIF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, MML, EMF, WMF). LaTeX: Only manuscripts which adhere to the Beilstein class definition are accepted. To upload the main manuscript a ZIP archive containing the *.tex document, a PDF version of the manuscript and all necessary files must be provided.
  • Graphical Abstract: A graphical abstract must be uploaded as an individual file not embedded in the main manuscript with a maximum file size of 5 MB. The file should contain only a graphical depiction and not any textual information such as the title of the manuscript or the names of the authors. Acceptable file formats are SVG, PNG, CDX, GIF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, MML, EMF, WMF.
  • Supporting Information: Supporting information files can be provided up to a maximum file size of 100 MB each (e. g. graphs, photos, animations, movie files, large tables, rotatable molecular models, characterization data, spectra, crystallographic data etc.). If LaTeX was used for preparation of supporting information files, a ZIP archive containing the *.tex document, a PDF version of it, the corresponding *.bib file (if appropriate) and all referenced files (graphic files, etc.) must be provided. The main manuscript must include a short description of all supporting information files.
  • Review-Only Material: Any other associated manuscript information relevant for the review process only must be uploaded as review-only material (related articles, previous review reports, permission letters etc.). The upload of several files separately or as ZIP archive is possible.
  • Author Details: For all contributing authors, the first name, middle initials, last (family) name, organization, city/town and country must be provided. We highly encourage the submitting author to link their ORCID record to their manuscript.
  • Manuscript Details: The title, abstract and keywords of the manuscript must be entered in the submission form of the ER's SystemCentral.
  • Referees: Contact information of suggested and/or excluded referees (full name, email address, organization, city/town, country) can be given. The suggestion of 3 referees is required. Any referee should be an independent expert from another research institution having the ability to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. Exclusions will be respected unless the individual referee opinion is vital for assessing the manuscript.

Please check carefully that all submission data you enter in the submission form of the ER's SystemCentral match those contained in the manuscript. It must be ensured that uploaded files are not encrypted or password protected. If any of your files are unreadable we will contact you to resolve the issue. In case you have problems during the submission process please contact the support team at

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print: 2207-8843; online: 2207-872X              


Publication Frequency



Journal Officials

Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor, Assistant Editors, Section Editors, and Production Editors.



Eman Research Publishing


Abstracting and Indexing



Google Scholar

Library of Congress




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