For Librarians

Welcome to our resource section for information professionals managing subscriptions.
Our complete subscription service includes:
- Perpetual access to HTML and/or PDF full-text papers where paid online access was held
- Access to all online backfiles with a current subscription (excluding Journal A)
- Timely delivery of print issues
- Inter-library loan (printed from electronic copy)
- Access for remote and walk-in users
- E-mail alert service for new issues
- Reference linking through CrossRef and Medline
- COUNTER compliant usage reports for institutional subscribers
You are able to check the latest issues from the Browse Content area of a specific eJournal, noting that in many cases the online issue will be available several weeks before the print issue is dispatched.
For more information on the terms of use for an electronic subscription please access our Licence for Online Content.
We also offer a selection of Archives for purchase. Details can be found in the How to Order section.
Our latest KBART (Knowledge Bases And Related Tools) journals metadata listing is available for download (CSV 9KB).
If you have any queries or comments about this site or your subscriptions please send us a message at