Journal of Angiotherapy
Inflammation Cancer Angiogenesis Biology and Therapeutics | Impact 0.1 (CiteScore) | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Call for Papers

Call for Papers 2023-2024

Are you looking to publish a manuscript on cancer research, angiogenesis research and natural products and synthetic molecules? Journal of Angiotherapy invites authors to submit their papers for its next publication.

We invite you to submit your next paper relevant to any of the following specialty/topic areas such as Research Angiogenesis related areas include: Angiogenesis based translational research with special focus on botanical extracts and botanical derived therapeutics with preclinical and clinical trial, strict criteria will be on standardized extract with full characterization of active biomarkers. New findings on Cancer therapy and biomarkers are also welcomed.

"Angiotherapy follows rigorous peer review process, with a fast and fair assessment, 4-6 weeks for decision and 2 weeks for publication after acceptance”
- Editor-in-Chief

Benefits of publishing your paper with Journal of Angiotherapy:

  1. Flexible publication: you can choose to publish open access
  2. High-quality journal with selective broad area
  3. Quality peer review on all published articles
  4. Simple submission process: Your paper, your way
  5. Reach wide Readers with potential 50% waiver of open access
  6. Get Journal Maximum Promotion

We look forward to receiving your submission.

Would you like to take advantage of these benefits too?

Submit your paper today through online Editorial system.

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