EmanResearch Publishing

Eman Research Publishing

Eman Research is a leading Publisher and Science Platform

Our journals are led and peer-reviewed by editorial boards of top researchers. We strive to continuously empower the academic community with innovative solutions that improve how science is published, evaluated and communicated to researchers, innovators and the public.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make science viable to every community.

Research is the foundation of modern society and it’s thanks to advances in science that we enjoy longer, healthier and more prosperous lives than ever before in human history. We want to build on successful science and make it even more powerful by ensuring it is openly available. This way, society will be able to generate more knowledge and accelerate innovation, health and prosperity for all.

Leader in innovation

To achieve this goal, Eman Research has organised a Collaborative Peer Review Platform, a Digital Editorial Office, article-level metrics.

Eman Research Publishing operates as an editorially independent science publisher. Established as a stand-alone business unit in 2017, our internationally recognised publishing program covers a wide range of scientific disciplines, including medical, biomedical, agriculture, plant and animal sciences, chemistry, health and the environment.

Our product range includes journals, books and magazines both in digital and print formats and we have a global reputation for quality and excellence. Our journals are all peer-reviewed, and many have been publishing articles.

  • Books: browse book titles in our online store

  • Journals: browse journal titles from across a range of subjects

  • blog and archive: read and search science stories and scholarly comments [external site]

  • Magazine: subscribe to ER's science magazine [external site]

  • Extra: sign up for free fortnightly emails containing science stories and activities  [external site]

We also offer a range of services that complement publishing and communication of science, including:

  • Workshops: develop your science writing and grant application skills


ER Publishing Charter

ER Publishing is a business unit within Australia under the following Charter.

ER Publishing will:

  • Carry an international and national-interest publishing

  • Operate within ER on a commercial basis with its viability dependent on the capacity to generate revenue and sufficient return on investment.

  • Be known for best practice governance procedures, transparent reporting and delivery on its objectives by:

  • Establishing and maintaining publication policies that enhance the reputation of Australian scholarship

  • Managing product development processes to protect the brand reputation of Australian science and ER

  • Setting strategic objectives and operational plans with the advice of the Advisory Committee and delivering to the objectives established in these business plans

  • Being accountable to ER through the Chair of the Advisory Committee

  • Providing regular reports on progress to all its stakeholders.

  • Meet client and stakeholder expectations by deploying specialist publishing systems and web infrastructure.

  • Maintain a balanced, independent editorial policy and endeavour to deliver trusted, authoritative content for all products based on core values that include:

    • Creative encouragement and support for authors to fully develop their ideas

    • Scrupulous peer review

    • Accuracy and attention to detail

    • Quality in design and production standards.

  • Remain fully committed to:

    • Treating authors, customers and each other honestly and fairly

    • Respecting diversity of ideas and cultures

    • Avoiding stereotypes and other prejudicial content in the products that we publish

    • Encouraging and rewarding creativity, entrepreneurial ideas, hard work and dedication

    • Operating in a manner that is conducive to a sustainable future.