Agriculture and food sciences | Online ISSN: 3066-3407
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Comparative Effects of Heating and Acidification on the Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Buffalo and Cow Milk and Milk Whey Protein – A Systematic Review

Nadia Sharif 1, Uzma Nihar 2, Iqra 2, Saba Zafar 3*

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Applied Agriculture Sciences 2(1) 1-10

Submitted: 14 December 2023  Revised: 03 February 2024  Published: 05 February 2024 


Background: Buffalo and cow milk differ significantly in their composition, with buffalo milk containing higher levels of fat, protein, and minerals. The physicochemical properties of these milks under thermal and acidic conditions are critical for various dairy processes, such as cheese production. Methods: Milk samples from both species were analyzed for compositional and physicochemical changes during heating and acidification. The molecular structure of milk proteins, whey protein fractions, and bacterial counts were evaluated. Additionally, the effects of thermal treatments on casein and whey protein stability were examined. Results: Buffalo milk exhibited higher buffering capacity, protein content, and mineral concentration compared to cow milk. Heating and acidification induced significant changes in the molecular structure of milk proteins, with buffalo milk showing greater stability. The heat treatment increased casein solubility while denaturing whey proteins, impacting coagulation and cheese yield. Conclusion: Buffalo milk demonstrated superior stability under heat and acidification, suggesting its enhanced suitability for dairy processes requiring higher thermal resistance and protein retention compared to cow milk.

Keywords: Heating effects, Buffalo milk, Cow milk, Acidification, Milk protein denaturation


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