Agriculture and food sciences

About the Journal

Applied Agriculture Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal that publishes high-quality research articles covering a broad spectrum of topics in the field of agricultural and food sciences. The journal seeks to bridge the gap between basic and applied research, emphasizing the interaction between food systems and agricultural practices. Its commitment to global food security and sustainable agriculture positions it at the forefront of scientific inquiry into food production, utilization, and innovation.

The journal accepts a diverse range of papers on traditional agriculture and food science topics, but also welcomes studies addressing contemporary challenges such as climate change, food security, sustainability, and technological advancements in agricultural systems. By fostering dialogue across disciplines, Applied Agriculture Sciences encourages submissions that tackle pressing issues, ensuring that research findings are both relevant and impactful to the global agricultural community.

Applied Agriculture Sciences is committed to fast and fair processing of submitted papers, ensuring that innovative research reaches the global scientific community without delay. Its dedication to openness and accessibility ensures that cutting-edge discoveries in agriculture and food sciences are available to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners worldwide.

Journal Officials Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor, Assistant Editors, Section Editors, and Production Editors.

EMAN Research


 print :XXXX; online:XXXX 

Frequency Continuous

Ranking: Agriculture Sciences


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Applied Agriculture Sciences