EMAN RESEARCH PUBLISHING | Journal | About Journal
Agriculture and food sciences

About the Journal

Applied Agriculture Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes research articles on all aspects of basic and applied research articles in the field of agricultural and food sciences.  The journal places a special emphasis on papers addressing the interface between food and agriculture. In addition to papers addressing traditional topics related to agriculture and food, the journal encourages papers addressing current and future challenges related to agricultural and foodproduction and utilization. 

The journal is committed to publishing research works by utilizing a rapid, impartial, and rigorous review process. All submitted papers are subjected to strict double blind peer review by its distinguished international Advisory Board members, as well as by other anonymous international and national reviewers. Submitted manuscripts must not have been published previously in any copyright form (print or electronic/online).

The general criteria for acceptance of a manuscript are:

  • advances food and agriculture based scientific knowledge;

  • advances translational research;

  • provides an adequate and relevant literature review;

  • utilizes scientifically solid, reliable, and reproducible methodologies;

  • derives appropriate and justifiable conclusions based upon the experimental data presented; and

  • is written in English and is of the utmost quality and clarity.

Applied Agriculture Sciences is dedicated to the dissemination of fundamental information related to the clinical and pre-clinical research on natural products, plant extract, small molecules in angiogenesis and angiogenesis dependent disease including cancer, arthritis and obesity. Full-length articles presenting the results of original research, Review, Data report and brief communications are featured. The Journal publish article continuously. All accepted manuscripts are granted free online open-access immediately after publication, which permits its users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles, thus facilitating access to a broad readership.

Angiotherapy facilitates the author's response to the NIH Public Access Policy. For more details please see the Guide for authors.

Journal Officials Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor, Assistant Editors, Section Editors, and Production Editors.

EMAN Research


 print :XXXX; online:XXXX 

Frequency Continuous

Ranking: Agriculture Sciences

Research Agriculture and food scinces related areas include:

  • Agricultural and food production and utilization

  • Food science and technology

  • Agricultural and food engineering

  • Food chemistry and biochemistry

  • Food materials

  • Physico-chemical, structural and functional properties of agricultural and food products

  • Agriculture and the environment

  • Biorefineries in agricultural and food systems

  • Food security and novel alternative food sources

  • Traceability and regional origin of agricultural and food products

  • Authentication of food and agricultural products

  • Food safety and food microbiology

  • Waste reduction in agriculture and food production and processing

  • Animal science, aquaculture, husbandry and veterinary medicine

  • Resources utilization and sustainability in food and agricultural production and processing

  • Horticulture and plant science

  • Agricultural economics

This Journal facilitates the author's response to the NIH Public Access Policy. For more details please see the Guide for authors.


CrossRef, Publons, Google Scholar, Researchgate

Submitted for indexing 

Committee on Publication Ethics

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Applied Agriculture Sciences