Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Extract of Urgenia grandiflora inhibited breast cancer cell (MCF-7) proliferation and tumorgenesity

Ibrahim B. E. El Bashir A,B, Loiy Elsir Ahmed HassanC, Amin M. S. Abdul Majid D, Sakina Yagi A*

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 3(1) 138-146

Submitted: 27 July 2019  Revised: 30 October 2019  Published: 03 November 2019 

U. grandiflora could be a new source of chemotherapeutic for breast cancer.


Objective: To investigate the cytotoxicity of Urgenia grandiflora bulbs towards three cancer cell lines; human colorectal carcinoma cell line (HCT 116), human hormone sensitive and invasive breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) and human hormone resistant breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-231), in addition to endothelial normal EA.hy926 cell line. According to selective antiproliferative effect against MCF-7 breast cancer, U. grandiflora extract was subjected to apoptosis and antitumorgenesity studies on MCF-7 cell line. Methods: Maceration with chloroform: methanol (1:1, v/v) was performed to obtain crude extract. Cytotoxicity was established by colorimetric measurement of cell viability. The effect of the extract on mitochondrial membrane potential, chromatin condensation and nuclear morphology of MCF-7 cells were evaluated using Hoechst 33342 stain. The antitumorgenesity was also determined by evaluation of the ability of extract to suppress the reproductive potential of cell division and colonization after treatment (colongenicity). The effect of extract on migration of tumor cells from their primary growth site to distant locations was evaluated by the wound healing assay. Effect of extract on invasion of matrigel by MCF-7 cells was evaluated using standard methods. Results: U. grandiflora extract showed tumor-specific antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 cells. the extract was also found to exert some toxicity towards the normal cell line EA.hy926 and this could be more likely attributed to its richness in cardiac glycosides. The extract demonstrated programmed cell death features, as it induced cell condensation, membrane flubbing and DNA fragmentation, also it disrupted mitochondria integrity in treated cells. Moreover the extract profoundly inhibited tumorgenisity of MCF-7 via inhibition of cell migration colony formation and cell invasion. Conclusion: U. grandiflora could be a new source of chemotherapeutic for breast cancer.

Key words: Urgenia grandiflora, anticancer, apoptosis, antitumorgenesis in vitro

Public Interest Statement: Ureginea grandiflora has a potential chemotherapeutic effect against breast cancer 


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