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Significance of Artificial intelligence in clinical and genomic diagnostics

Md Habibur Rahman1, Md Abdur Rahman Biswash2, Md Abu Bakar Siddique3, Md Mostafizur Rahman3, Moushumi Afroza Mou3, Asim Debnath4, Md Fatin2

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Precision Biosciences 7(1) 1-14

Submitted: 20 October 2024  Revised: 09 January 2025  Published: 10 January 2025 


AI stands for artificial intelligence, the computer systems emulating human intelligence to complete difficult tasks like interpreting data. The recent advancements in the field of AI in general, particularly the development of deep learning algorithms and hardware development in the form of GPU, have now made it possible to apply it in medical diagnostics. Artificial Intelligence frameworks are adept in treatment of vast, complex data and thus are an efficient tool for clinical assessments. AI is already transforming image-based diagnostics, electronic health records (EHRs) and clinical genomics, as we review here. We summarize AI’s ability to work with problem classes like computer vision, time series analysis, and natural language processing, each of which corresponds to specific diagnostic tasks. Some novel approaches are presented in clinical genomics such as in the areas of variant calling, genome annotation and phenotype to genotype mapping. Deep learning’s capacity to extract useful signals from genomic and phenotypic data with minimal human guidance is accelerating precision medicine. Convolutional and recurrent neural networks have been shown to outperform all other methods for genomic data interpretation. These tools do have limitations, including dependence on large, high quality training datasets as well as robust phenotype data. Here we discuss how advanced biobank projects are a path towards that future even if AI has not yet fully delivered on its promise to enable complex human phenotype prediction. Interpretability, bias mitigation and solving barriers to data collection are crucial elements for AI to thrive within the context of personalized medicine. The constant growth of AI has the potential to completely change genetic studies as well as clinical diagnostics.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Clinical Diagnostics, Genomics, Clinical Applications, Data Interpretation, Deep Learning.


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