Biogeochemical Role of Mangroves: Carbon Sequestration, Oxygen Release, and Their Contribution to Ecosystem Sustainability
Randy A. Quitain1*
Journal of Angiotherapy 8(12) 1-6
Submitted: 13 October 2024 Revised: 06 December 2024 Published: 07 December 2024
This study highlights mangroves' critical role in carbon sequestration and oxygen release, contributing significantly to ecosystem and climate regulation.
Background: Mangroves play a crucial role in biogeochemical cycles, contributing significantly to the regulation of atmospheric gases, including carbon (C), carbon dioxide (CO2), and oxygen (O2). Through photosynthesis, mangrove species assimilate carbon dioxide, and their biomass formation, including both aboveground and belowground components, is a key indicator of their productivity. This study assesses the carbon sequestration potential and oxygen release of mangroves in Sukol River, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, focusing on the allometric data of various mangrove species. The primary objective of this study was to quantify the carbon stock and oxygen release of mangrove species in Sukol River through biomass estimation. This was achieved by using an allometric approach to determine the aboveground biomass (AGB) and belowground biomass (BGB), followed by calculating carbon stock and carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq), as well as estimating oxygen release from photosynthesis. Methods: A quantitative research design was employed, utilizing the tree allometry protocol for mangrove biomass estimation. A total of six mangrove species—Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Avicennia marina, Avicennia officinalis, and Bruguiera sexangula — were assessed within a 125-meter transect line divided into six circular plots. Biomass data were collected, and the carbon stock was estimated using established equations for mangrove carbon and oxygen assessments (Kauffman & Donato, 2012; Zakaria et al., 2021). Results: The mangrove species in the study site had varying biomass, with Sonneratia alba exhibiting the highest AGB of 7,078.50 Mg·Ha?¹ and BGB of 21.63 Mg·Ha?¹, while Bruguiera sexangula showed the lowest values of 7.71 Mg·Ha?¹ AGB and 0.0905 Mg·Ha?¹ BGB. The combined biomass of all species in the study site totaled 4,031.04 Mg·Ha?¹ of carbon stock, equating to 14,793.90 Mg·Ha?¹ CO2-eq. Additionally, based on carbon stock, the mangrove species in Sukol River can release 10,749.43 Mg·Ha?¹ of oxygen. Conclusions: Mangroves in the Sukol River ecosystem demonstrate substantial carbon sequestration capacity and oxygen release, contributing significantly to the global carbon cycle and atmospheric oxygen balance. The results emphasize the potential of mangrove restoration in enhancing carbon sink functions and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Effective management and conservation of these ecosystems are essential for maintaining their biogeochemical roles in combating climate change.
Keywords: Mangroves, Photosynthesis, Carbon Sequestration, Oxygen Release, Biomass
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