Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Treatment of Endophytic Fungal Extracts in Candida albicans-Infected Wounds with Collagen Regeneration

Dewi Yudiana Shinta1, Widyastuti Widyastuti2, Def Primal3*, Herix Sonata MS4, Saryono Saryono5

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Journal of Angiotherapy 8(11) 1-8

Submitted: 30 August 2024  Revised: 03 November 2024  Published: 04 November 2024 

This study determines the potential wound healing therapies of endophytic fungal extracts with enhanced collagen formation and tissue regeneration in Candida albicans-infected wounds


Background: Infected wounds, particularly those caused by Candida albicans, are difficult to treat due to the lack of effective antifungal agents with minimal toxicity. Wound healing involves several phases, including inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling, with collagen playing a crucial role in tissue repair. The use of natural compounds, such as endophytic fungal extracts rich in secondary metabolites like terpenoids, has shown promise in promoting wound healing and inhibiting microbial growth. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of endophytic fungal extracts on Candida albicans-infected wounds, focusing on collagen formation and tissue regeneration. Methods: Endophytic fungal extracts were applied at different concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%) to rat skin wounds infected with Candida albicans. Histopathological analysis was conducted at 7 and 14 days post-treatment to assess collagen density, fungal presence, and tissue regeneration. Collagen density scores were recorded, and the structure of collagen fibers was examined using computerized microscopy. Results: The negative control group exhibited normal collagen fibers and a collagen density score of 4. Infected tissues in the positive control group, without treatment, showed severe fungal infiltration and no collagen fibers, with a score of 0. At 7 days post-treatment, 5% extract showed partial collagen regeneration with a score of 1, while the 10% and 15% concentrations exhibited minimal tissue improvement. After 14 days, the 5% extract significantly improved collagen density to a score of 3, indicating better tissue regeneration. However, yeast cells were still present in the dermis, suggesting incomplete infection resolution. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the 5% endophytic fungal extract effectively promoted collagen formation and tissue regeneration in Candida albicans-infected wounds. Higher concentrations did not significantly improve outcomes and may pose risks of tissue damage.

Keywords: Endophytic fungal extract, Candida albicans, collagen regeneration, wound healing, fungal infection


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