Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Impact of Work Climate, Workload, and Stress on Fatigue for Improving Health and Work Outcomes

Pratiwi Fuji Lestari1*, Masyitha Muis2, Yahya Thamrin2, Furqaan Naiem2, Lalu Muhammad Saleh2, Muhammad Alwy Arifin3

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Journal of Angiotherapy 8(10) 1-6

Submitted: 03 July 2024  Revised: 03 October 2024  Published: 06 October 2024 

This study determined the critical relationship between workplace conditions, fatigue, and productivity, emphasizing the need for improved working environments to enhance employee well-being.


Background: Fatigue is a prevalent health issue affecting physical and mental well-being, particularly in industrial workers. Prolonged fatigue can reduce cognitive function, increase susceptibility to illness, and lower work productivity. Factors such as poor work climate, excessive workload, and stress exacerbate fatigue and negatively impact productivity. Methods: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted at PT. Makassar Tene, a sugar refinery in Makassar, Indonesia, with 118 employees. Data on work climate, workload, stress, fatigue, and productivity were collected using a Heat Stress Monitor, reaction timers, and structured interviews. Path analysis was employed to examine the direct and indirect effects of these variables on productivity. Results: The study revealed a significant direct effect of work climate on fatigue (p < 0.05) and productivity (p = 0.008). Similarly, workload directly influenced fatigue (p = 0.001) and productivity (p = 0.044). Stress was found to impact productivity indirectly through fatigue (p = 0.018). Fatigue emerged as a critical mediator, significantly reducing productivity. Conclusion: Poor work climate and excessive workload contribute to fatigue, which in turn diminishes productivity. Addressing environmental and workload factors is essential to improving employee well-being and optimizing productivity in industrial settings. Implementing effective interventions to manage work stress and fatigue is crucial for enhancing both health and work outcomes.

Keywords: Fatigue, Work Climate, Workload, Stress, Employee Productivity


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