Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Enhancing Organizational Performance through Stress Management: The Role of the My-Stress Application

Qurratul Aini 1*

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 8(5) 1-7

Submitted: 07 April 2024  Revised: 21 May 2024  Published: 27 May 2024 

The My-Stress application aids hospitals in proactively managing employee stress, enhancing well-being, and optimizing organizational effectiveness.


Background: Employee performance in the health sector is often hindered by mental health issues, particularly stress. High stress levels among hospital employees can negatively impact their job performance and overall organizational effectiveness. Addressing these mental health challenges is essential for maintaining optimal employee performance and ensuring a supportive work environment. Methods: This study employed a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. Hospital managers and employees with a minimum tenure of five years participated in the initial questionnaire to identify stress factors and inform the development of the "My Stress Level" application. The application was designed to measure depression, anxiety, and stress using a rating scale from 0 to 4. The implementation process included training and support to ensure accurate data input, with measures in place to maintain data privacy and confidentiality. Results: The My-Stress application facilitated timely assessments and interventions for employee mental health. Key features include displaying the most recent check results and tracking assessment history in a graphical format. The results are color-coded for easy interpretation, with options for accessing additional resources on the MyStress website. The application supports both Indonesian and English, enhancing accessibility for a diverse user base. Conclusion: The My-Stress application significantly improves mental health monitoring and management among hospital employees. By providing comprehensive assessment tools and valuable resources, the application helps reduce stress levels, thereby enhancing individual well-being and overall organizational performance.

Keywords: Stress management, Employee performance, Hospital sector, My-Stress application, DASS-42


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