Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

The Self-Help Group-Based Health Education Impact on Adolescent Depression Reduction

Juli Widiyanto 1, Silvia Elki Putri 1, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito 2, Rathimalar Ayakannu 2, Aditya Nugraha 1

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Journal of Angiotherapy 8(5) 1-6

Submitted: 25 March 2024  Revised: 14 May 2024  Published: 21 May 2024 

Addressing adolescent depression through self-help group-based health education can significantly reduce depression levels, fostering healthier development.


Background: Depression is a serious mental health issue that negatively impacts the quality of life and development of adolescents. This study aims to determine the influence of self-help group-based health education on preventing depression in adolescents in Pekanbaru, Riau. Methods: This quasi-experimental study utilized a pre-post test design with a control group. The intervention, QS Al-Fatihah murottal therapy, was provided twice a week for two weeks, with sessions lasting 55-60 minutes. A stratified random and simple random sampling technique was used to select a total of 68 adolescent participants. Instruments included a characteristics questionnaire and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS 42) for adolescents. Data analysis was conducted using dependent and independent t-tests. Results: The study found that most respondents were female (61.8%), aged 16 years (58.8%), of Minang ethnicity (45.6%), and had a high school education level (45.6%). Most came from employed families (fathers 86.8%, mothers 52.9%) and were Muslim (100%). Additionally, 45.6% of parents had a high school education level, and 54.4% of respondents lived with their nuclear family. The self-help group-based health education significantly prevented adolescent depression (p-value <0.0001). Conclusions: The study recommends incorporating self-help group-based health strategies as a nursing intervention to reduce depression in adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescent; Depression; Health Education; Self-Help Group


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