Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Targeted Identification of Antibacterial Phytocompounds from Plant Extracts against Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria: A Systematic Review

Mohd Hasan Mujahid 1, Tarun Kumar Upadhyay 1*, Vijay Jagdish Upadhye 2*

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 8(5) 1-18

Submitted: 31 March 2024  Revised: 12 May 2024  Published: 18 May 2024 

Plant-derived phytocompounds are prominent in combating problematic multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria groups.


Extensive research on medicinal plants showed the presence of chemical entities that may be used to treat various ailments. These bioactive components can also be derived from multiple natural sources, including plants, microorganisms, animals, and marine organisms. The therapeutic action of these vigilant molecules (phytocompounds) has emerged as a new field to combat antimicrobial resistance development due to microbial resistance against chemically synthesized drugs. Problematic groups of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria include vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb), β-lactamase-producing enteric bacteria (Salmonella, E. coli, etc) due to overuse and misuse of antibiotics leads to such state of emergence in communities and hospitals worldwide. Bacteria have remarkable mechanisms to evade and neutralize the effect of antimicrobial agents or antibiotic drugs through genes encoded at chromosomal, transposons, and R-plasmid levels. Through various mechanisms of action shown by bacterial species, in response to it selected screening of phytocompounds to combat MDR bacteria that includes vernal strategies or approaches such as inhibition of MDR efflux pump, quorum sensing inhibition (QSI), phytochemical synergism with antibiotics, curb R-plasmid and its transfer, inhibit biofilm production, enzyme inactivation: β-lactamase. Considerable work has been done on the antimicrobial activity of plant extract, which led to the development of targeted screening of plant-derived phytocompounds and a system to test phytocompounds towards varied MDR strain bacteria for its efficacy will be the key to fight against such problematic situation. This review underlies various plant-derived phytochemicals and their mode of action towards different MDR bacterial species.

Keywords: Phytocompounds, Multidrug-resistant, Antibiotics, Antimicrobial resistance


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