Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Biological Effectiveness of Seed Extracts of Some Species From Brassicaceae Family Against Two Types of Pathogenic Bacteria

Afnan Esam Adnan 1*, Wisam Malik Dawood 1*

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Journal of Angiotherapy 8(4) 1-9

Submitted: 29 February 2024  Revised: 02 April 2024  Published: 04 April 2024 

Cruciferous Plant-derived compounds showed diverse medicinal properties, combating antibiotic resistance, providing therapeutic alternatives, and inhibiting biofilm formation in pathogenic bacteria.


Background: Cruciferous plants are particularly rich in bioactive compounds with potential therapeutic applications. The study aimed to assess their efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Methods: Extraction and antimicrobial testing occurred at the University of Diyala's College of Agriculture labs from March to September 2023. Two extraction methods and varying concentrations (100%, 150%, 200%) were used. Inhibition zones were measured via agar well diffusion, and biofilm formation was evaluated using microtiter plate assays. Results: Cress seed extract showed the highest S. aureus inhibition (21.99 mm), while Radish had the lowest (5.77 mm). Chloroform extraction yielded the highest inhibition (17.00 mm), with 200% concentration being most effective (19.77 mm). For E. coli, Cress extract had the highest inhibition (15.22 mm), and chloroform extraction at 200% concentration was most effective (13.11 mm). Cress seed extract inhibited biofilm formation, especially with chloroform, while Radish and Watercress showed moderate to strong inhibition. Conclusion: Cress seed extract, particularly with chloroform extraction at higher concentrations, exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against S. aureus and E. coli, inhibiting biofilm formation. Radish and Watercress extracts also showed moderate antimicrobial effects. These findings highlight the potential of Cruciferous seed extracts as natural antimicrobial agents, warranting further research for pharmaceutical and agricultural applications.

Keywords: Medicinal plants, Antimicrobial activity, Antibiotic resistance. Cruciferous


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