Angiogenesis, Inflammation & Therapeutics | Online ISSN  2207-872X
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Angiogenic Switches Play a Critical Progression in Cancer

Nozlena A Samad a*, Ahmad Bustamam Abdul b, Rasedee Abdullah b, Heshu Rahman b,d,e KZ Khor a, Max Stanley Chartrand  c

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Journal of Angiotherapy 2(1) 048-055

Submitted: 04 April 2018  Revised: 04 May 2018  Published: 08 June 2018 


Tumor angiogenesis has become an important research area over the last decade for its crucial role as an essential component of the growth and spread of cancer. A large amount of literature has shown the link between tumor angiogenesis, metastasis, and overall survival of patients. Not all tumors are angiogenesis-derived and the angiogenesis switch is a sign of the ability of tumor and inflammatory cells to produce angiogenesis factors in tumor microenvironment. The condition of genetic stability of endothelial cells plays an important role in this phenomenon as it makes it less likely to build up resistance towards agents aimed at tumor vasculature. Also, the fact that only 0.05% of the adult human body undergoes angiogenesis, the potential side effects of anti-angiogenesis treatment is kept at a minimum. The study, hence, focuses on the role of angiogenesis in tumor development and operating this very particular switch in controlling tumor.    

Keywords: Angiogenesis; Metastasis; Tumors


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