Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Influence of Ecological Zones on Immune Function and Viability in Sur Karakol Lambs: A Comparative Study of Mountainous and Desert-Steppe Regions

Mukhitdinov Shavkat Mukhammedzhanovich 1*, Dilmurod Davronovich Aliyev 2, Ismailov Kamil Tuygunovich 3, Ochilov Behzod Salimovich 4, Avazov Otabek Safarali Ugli 5

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Journal of Angiotherapy 8(7) 1-7

Submitted: 16 May 2024  Revised: 18 July 2024  Published: 23 July 2024 


Background: The adaptation of Sur Karakol lambs to different ecological zones is crucial for their survival and productivity. This study explores the biochemical and immunological responses of lambs raised in the mountainous region of Samarkand and the desert-steppe region of Kashkadarya. The study aimed to evaluate the phagocytic, bactericidal, and lysozyme activities in the blood, along with immunoglobulin levels, to assess the immune status of lambs in these contrasting environments. Methods: Blood samples were collected from lambs aged 120-135 days to measure phagocytic activity, bactericidal activity, lysozyme activity, and immunoglobulin levels (IgA, IgM, IgG). Phagocytic activity was determined by the percentage of neutrophils engulfing bacteria, bactericidal activity by the ability of blood to kill bacteria, and lysozyme activity by the degradation of bacterial cell walls. Results: The study found that lambs in the desert-steppe region exhibited slightly higher phagocytic activity (46.5%-47.4%), bactericidal activity (50.9%-52.0%), and lysozyme activity (46.7%-49.6%) compared to those in the mountainous region. Immunoglobulin levels showed a typical pattern of increasing IgA and IgM with age, while IgG decreased, indicating a normal transition from maternal to self-generated immunity. Conclusion: The harsher conditions of the desert-steppe region appear to stimulate a stronger innate immune response in Sur Karakol lambs, enhancing their resilience and survival rates compared to lambs in the mountainous region. These findings suggest that environmental factors significantly influence the immune competence and overall vitality of lambs.

Keywords: Sur Karakol lambs, Immune function, Ecological adaptation, Lysozyme activity, Desert-steppe region


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