Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Factors Contributing to Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Case-Control Study

Okti Sri Purwanti1*, Agus Sudaryanto1, Beti Kristinawati1, Vinami Yulian1, Afidatul Mujannidah1, Muhammad Farid1, Evita Yunianti1

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 8(11) 1-8

Submitted: 09 September 2024  Revised: 09 November 2024  Published: 10 November 2024 


Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition that leads to hyperglycemia due to impaired insulin function. One of the most prevalent and debilitating complications of DM is Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN), which significantly contributes to morbidity through sensory, motor, and autonomic nerve dysfunction. In Indonesia, the prevalence of DPN is notably high, with a rising burden of diabetes-related complications. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between various risk factors and the incidence of DPN in a sample of DM patients from Dr. Moewardi Regional Hospital. Methods: A quantitative, observational case-control study was conducted with 64 DM patients, divided into two groups: 32 with DPN and 32 without DPN. Participants were assessed based on education level, smoking status, disease duration, and self-management compliance. Neuropathy was diagnosed using clinical examinations, including sensory (vibration sensation), motor (foot deformities), and autonomic (skin dryness) assessments. Statistical analyses, including chi-square tests and odds ratio calculations, were employed to examine the association between risk factors and DPN. Results: The study found that self-management compliance was strongly associated with DPN (p=0.001), with non-compliant patients having a 3.67 times higher likelihood of developing DPN. Education level showed a non-significant association (p=0.098), though those with lower education levels had a higher risk of DPN (OR=3.22). Duration of DM and smoking status were not significantly related to DPN (p=0.31 and p=1.000, respectively). Conclusion: Effective self-management is a critical factor in preventing DPN in DM patients, as non-compliant individuals are at significantly higher risk. While education level may influence DPN risk, it is not a primary determinant. Early screening, improved awareness, and better self-management education are essential for reducing the incidence of DPN and associated complications in DM patients, particularly in resource-limited settings like Indonesia.

Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Risk Factors, Self-Management, Education Level


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