Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Pomegranate Juice Attenuates Anti-ulcer in Indomethacin-induced Peptic Ulcer

Ali Omar Yaseen 1, Payam Jamal Muhamed 1, Hacer Haltas 1 , Subasini Uthirapathy 1*

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Journal of Angiotherapy 7(1) 1-8

Submitted: 19 October 2023  Revised: 26 November 2023  Published: 27 November 2023 


Introduction: Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a well-known fruit that grows in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. In this study, we wanted to find out how pomegranate juice (POMJ) affected rats with gastric ulcers caused by standard drugs. Indomethacin is the most common drug causes gastric ulcer also, most of the NSAID drugs have harmful side effects, so studies have focused on finding an alternative natural solution.  Methods: In this study, 25 male albino rats were used and were split into four groups of five rats each. These groups were called control, pomegranate, indomethacin, and standard. The examination took one week to complete. Indomethacin saline suspension (100 mg/kg rat weight) caused gastric ulcers. Pomegranate peel juice (5-10%) reduced stomach ulcer area and ulcer index, gastric juice volume, and acidity. Pomegranate juice restores stomach mucus content and tissue at the histological level. Results: Rats that were given indomethacin and then given pomegranate juice were significantly less likely to get a gastric ulcer. It also lowered the ulcer index to 0.7093±0.36 showing that 52.25 % prevention. Conclusion: The study's macroscopical and microscopical results showed that pomegranate juice might be able to reduce the ulceration caused by indomethacin in a rat model. Pomegranate as a protective food supplement against gastric ulcers.

Keywords: Punica granatum, Indomethacin, gastric ulcer, Antioxidant, Pomegranate


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