Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Ancient DNA: Cardiovascular Disease Prediction from Mummies

Anastasia V. Poznyak 1*, Tatyana Vladimirovna Kirichenko 2,5, Natalia V. Elizova 2, Alexey V. Churov 2,6, Tatiana Ivanovna Kovyanova 1,2, Irina Alexandrovna Starodubtseva 3, Vasily N. Sukhorukov 2,5, and Alexander N. Orekhov 2,5

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 8(6) 1-9

Submitted: 29 April 2024  Revised: 23 June 2024  Published: 24 June 2024 

Understanding CVD's genetic roots through ancient mummies reveals its historical prevalence and informs contemporary health.


The impact of human health disorders on history has been an area of insufficient study, with genetic evidence pivotal in addressing this dilemma. The detection of genetic evidence of pathogens through ancient DNA in mummies has revealed insights into the presence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in ancient populations. This review article provides an extensive analysis of studies focused on ancient DNA analysis for predicting CVD from remains of ancient individuals, particularly mummies from various regions across the world. The introduction section explains the multifactorial nature of CVD and the importance of understanding the hereditary susceptibility to this disease. Notably, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified numerous loci related to atherosclerotic (AS) cardiovascular disease, shedding light on the genetic basis of its pathogenesis. The review further discusses the significance of noninvasive procedures, such as computed tomography (CT) scans, in identifying evidence of AS cardiovascular disease in mummified remains. The subsequent sections delve into specific findings from Egyptian, Peruvian, North American, European, and African mummies, each revealing unique insights into the prevalence and characteristics of CVD in ancient populations. A particular focus is placed on the Tyrolean Iceman, whose well-preserved state has enabled comprehensive genetic analyses, leading to the identification of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with CVD risk. In conclusion, the review highlights the potential for future studies to further explore genetic predispositions to CVD in ancient populations, leveraging advancements in ancient DNA analysis techniques and complete genome sequencing. The challenges and opportunities associated with analyzing DNA from mummies, especially in warmer regions, are acknowledged, emphasizing the need for continued research in this fascinating field. Overall, this review emphasizes the potential of ancient DNA analysis in broadening our understanding of the genetic underpinnings of CVD and its prevalence in ancient populations, contributing to both historical and medical knowledge.

Keywords: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), Genetic predisposition, Ancient DNA (aDNA), Mummified remains, Polygenic risk score (PRS)


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