Angiogenesis, Inflammation & Therapeutics | Online ISSN  2207-872X
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Analyzing Sharia Service Standards in Certified Hospitals for Optimal Healthcare Quality

Faris Amrullah 1*, Qurratul Aini 2


+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 8(5) 1-8

Submitted: 08 April 2024  Revised: 24 May 2024  Published: 29 May 2024 

This systematic review showed research trends and collaboration in Islamic hospitals, enhancing healthcare quality through Sharia service standards.


Background: Indonesia, with over 87% of its population practicing Islam, represents a pivotal intersection of economic vitality and religious observance, where Sharia principles increasingly influence sectors like healthcare. The integration of Islamic ethics into economic activities presents substantial opportunities, particularly in specialized sectors such as hospitals. Global competition in healthcare has intensified, prompting hospitals to emphasize excellence and innovation in response to heightened patient expectations. Methods: This study employs a quantitative descriptive method and bibliometric approach to analyze international scientific publications on Islamic hospitals indexed in the Scopus database from 2011 to 2023. Bibliometric methods provide a structured framework to explore publication trends, authorship patterns, institutional affiliations, country contributions, subject distributions, author collaborations, and keyword analyses. Results: The trend analysis reveals a peak in scientific publications on Islamic hospitals in 2023, with seven publications (26.92%). The "Journal of Islamic Marketing" emerged as the leading publisher with three publications, while researchers Haq, F.; Kholis, N.; Medhekar, A.; and Ratnawati, A. were the most productive, each contributing two publications. Affiliations such as Cairo University and Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang demonstrated significant productivity, with Indonesia leading in country contributions with 11 publications. Social Sciences led in subject areas with nine publications, reflecting a diverse scholarly interest. Conclusion: This study underscores the evolving landscape of research on Islamic hospitals globally, highlighting collaborative efforts among researchers and institutions to integrate Sharia principles into healthcare practices. The findings emphasize the importance of enhancing healthcare quality through Sharia service standards, thereby meeting the healthcare needs of diverse populations while promoting ethical healthcare practices aligned with Islamic values.

Keywords: Islamic hospitals, Sharia principles, bibliometric analysis, healthcare quality, Indonesia


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