Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
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An intra-oral infection Halitosis and its Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Strategies – A Systematic Review

Noora Abdulrazzaq Naji 1*, Safa Ali Hamad 2, Samar Khalid Al-Adel 2, Hamsa Thabet Musa 2, Saja Sami Malik 2 

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 8(3) 1-9

Submitted: 05 January 2024  Revised: 02 March 2024  Published: 06 March 2024 

Halitosis, a prevalent issue, often remains untreated, causing social discomfort. Oral causes, especially bacterial buildup, necessitate effective dental management strategies.


Halitosis, commonly known as foul breath, affects a substantial portion of the population and often goes unaddressed for an extended period before individuals seek help from specialized clinics. This condition can have significant social and psychological implications. While halitosis can stem from various underlying causes, the oral cavity is responsible for the majority of cases (about 90%). Factors such as bacterial buildup on the tongue and inflammation of the gums or surrounding tissues contribute significantly to oral halitosis. Dentists frequently encounter patients with halitosis in their practice and must possess effective strategies to manage it. Utilizing established methodologies, dentists can achieve considerable therapeutic efficacy. Despite the prevalence of halitosis, many individuals endure its effects for prolonged periods before seeking assistance from dedicated clinics. The literature provides numerous recognized methods for diagnosing and treating halitosis, and this article comprehensively explores these aspects.

Keywords: Halitosis, Oral cavity, Dental practitioner, Therapeutic efficacy, Specialized clinic


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