Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
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Positive Coping and Community Resilience in Disaster Management for Flooding in Malaysia

Hana W. Jun Chen 1,*, Roy Rillera Marzo 2, Mila Nu Nu Htay 3, Sakina Ruhi 1,*, Sarah Mohd Zainal Abidin 1, Allistair Adam Nelson 1, Haryati Anuar 1, Jegathambigai Rameshwar Naidu 1, Irma Muslimin 4, Andi Salim 5

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Journal of Angiotherapy 8(2) 1-10

Submitted: 25 December 2023  Revised: 26 February 2024  Published: 28 February 2024 

Recognizing the significance of coping mechanisms in fostering community resilience is essential for reducing the effects of flooding and enhancing health risks and disaster preparedness in Malaysia.


Background: Flood disasters increase the risk of both direct health impacts like trauma, injuries, and infectious diseases, as well as indirect impacts such as displacement-related and mental health problems. Disasters, though devastating, can have their adverse effects mitigated. A pivotal aspect in disaster management is community resilience, which is instrumental for sustainable recovery and growth. Individuals' readiness to take preparedness measures that increase community resilience might be influenced by their coping mechanisms. This study assessed the association between positive coping and community resilience among affected communities in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study and recruited participants by using purposive sampling. The participants were required to self-report their sociodemographic profile, coping, and community resilience. Coping was assessed using the Brief-Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced scale, and community resilience was assessed using the Communities Advancing Resilience Toolkit survey. Multivariable logistic regression was performed. Results: The findings demonstrated that problem-focused coping was the strongest predictor for community resilience in all domains. Participants with low problem- and emotion-focused coping were associated with low community resilience. Conclusion: A strong sense of social responsibility fosters more resilient communities. It is imperative to craft holistic community health programs, embedding both social responsibility and resilience, to proactively mitigate and manage disaster risks. As such, the adoption of comprehensive community resilience frameworks should be prioritized within health and disaster management blueprints.

Keywords: Health Risks, Community resilience; Coping strategies; Disaster risk management; Flood; Sustainable community


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