Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
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Unprecedented Rise of Mucormycosis in COVID-19 Patients: Urgent Need for Protocol Adaptation and Awareness in India – A Review

Nithya A 1, Vinoth S V 1, Ashok Kumar M 1, Sindhu T 1

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Journal of Angiotherapy 8(2) 1-4

Submitted: 15 December 2023  Revised: 06 February 2024  Published: 13 February 2024 

Mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients in India necessitates urgent updates in treatment protocols and public awareness


Mucormycosis, a rare fungal infection, has seen a concerning surge in incidence among COVID-19 patients in India. Unlike infectious diseases, Mucormycosis spreads through fungal spores ubiquitous in the environment. COVID-19 patients with diabetes are particularly susceptible, presenting symptoms such as headache, fever, eye pain, nasal congestion, and vision loss. Early diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment. Management involves a multidisciplinary approach, including antifungal medications like liposomal amphotericin-B and posaconazole. However, treatment challenges arise due to limited availability, high cost, and prolonged administration of these drugs. Monitoring blood glucose levels during steroid therapy and raising awareness among healthcare workers and patients are essential preventive measures. Improved ventilation and hygiene practices in hospitals can reduce the risk of exposure to fungal spores. Early detection and prompt treatment are vital in preventing severe outcomes of Mucormycosis. Public education and environmental control measures are essential to mitigate the increasing incidence of this life-threatening fungal infection.

Keywords: Mucormycosis, COVID-19, Diabetes, Steroids, Treatment


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