Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Review on Angiogenesis Modulation by Natural Compounds as Therapeutic Potential and Mechanisms

Jegathambigai Rameshwar Naidu 1* , Sasidharan Sreenivasan 2, Sakina Ruhi 1, Hana W. Jun Chen 1, Sanjith Rameshwar Naidu 1, Danish Khan 3, Thin Thin Aung 1, Mya Mya Thwin 1, Husni Ahmed Al-Goshae 1, Subramanian Rammohan 1

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 8 (2) 1-6

Submitted: 29 December 2023 Revised: 26 February 2024  Published: 28 February 2024 


Angiogenesis is induced when there is any imbalance in the equilibrium due to either up regulation of pro-angiogenic factors or down regulation of anti-angiogenic mediators. Recent interest in identifying and modulating antiangiogenic pathways and antiangiogenic drug development has added advantage for therapeutic purposes. Many naturally occurring compounds have been indicated as inhibitors of tumor specific angiogenesis. This review was covers the topics including pathophysiology of angiogenesis, angiogenesis modulating compounds from plants, antiangiogenic potential of culinary herbs.  The anti-angiogenic potential of the plants may be due to the prese.nce of terpenoids and flavonoids. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the antiangiogenic activity may be associated with inhibition of several steps of angiogenesis including proliferation, migration and tube formation of vascular endothelial cells. Since there is a close relationship between tumor growth and angiogenesis mechanism, various anti-angiogenic compounds for use in cancer treatment have been studied. Angiogenic modulators would be an ideal choice for future chemotherapeutics.

Keywords: Angiogenesis, Angiogenic modulators, Therapeutic potential, Medicinal plants


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