Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Repurposing Drugs for Overcoming Therapy Resistance in Colon Cancer – A Review

Mahdi Darvishi 1, Amir Mohammad Chekeni 2, Mohammad Fazelhosseini 1, Zeenat Iqbal 3*, Mohd Aamir Mirza 3*, Mohammed Aslam 4, Esra Tariq Anwer Bayrakdar 4

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 8 (2) 1-23

Submitted: 12 November 2023 Revised: 22 January 2024  Published: 08 February 2024 


Colorectal cancer is a common type of cancer worldwide. Colorectal cancer is a prevalent form of cancer that is observed globally. The survival prospects for individuals with advanced stages of this disease are notably diminished. The chance of getting colorectal cancer is 4% to 5%. Getting older, having chronic illnesses, and certain lifestyle choices raise the risk of getting colorectal cancer. Surgery, as well as neoadjuvant radiation treatment (for those affected by rectal cancer) and adjunctive chemotherapy (for stage III/IV colon cancer patients and high-risk stage II colon cancer patients), stand as the most employed therapeutic interventions. Treating CRC has improved, but the medicines are expensive and have side effects. Therefore, alternative methods that are more affordable and still effective need to be explored. The use of existing drugs to treat diseases is becoming more popular due to high attrition rates, economic burden, slow drug discovery, and development. Many methods have been proposed to find repurposed therapeutic candidates, which can save time and money. Repurposing drugs is more successful and efficient than creating new drugs for rare diseases. Using existing drugs for cancer treatment is a major priority. Non-cancer drugs should not be overlooked since they have the potential to address both identified and unidentified weaknesses in cancer. Unlike targeted therapy, old generic drugs used in multiple ways can benefit patients. This review delves into the present body of evidence regarding the utilization of established medications as a plausible therapeutic avenue for patients suffering from CRC. The focus is to illustrate the possible competitors and their complex ways of functioning, including medications that have the ability to combat malaria, parasitic infections, inflammation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and diabetes.

Keywords: Colon Cancer, Colorectal cancer (CRC), Drug Repurposing, Therapy Resistance, Anti-Helminthic Drugs, Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Anti-Hypertensives, Antiarrhythmic Drugs,


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