Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Dental Office Noise as Key Trigger of Anxiety in Children, Advocates Non-Invasive Solutions

Bhaskaran Sathyapriya1, Swamikannu Bhuminathan, 2 Jayesh S Raghavendra3*, Adugula Chandrakala 4, Geo Danny C5, Vignesh N R5

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 5 (2) 1-5

Submitted: 23 November 2021 Revised: 26 November 2021  Published: 15 December 2021 


Background: Dental anxiety is often triggered by specific stimuli encountered during dental procedures, such as the noise of dental drills and other equipment. Despite advancements in dental practices, the auditory environment within dental offices continues to evoke significant fear and anxiety among young patients, which can have profound implications on their oral and overall health. Methods: This study aimed to assess the specific apprehension related to noise in the dental office among children aged 6-15 years using Corah's Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS). The study involved circulating a questionnaire among the selected subjects, collecting demographic data, and analyzing the participants' responses to sounds commonly encountered during dental visits. Statistical methods were employed to identify trends and correlations between the auditory stimuli and the levels of dental fear and anxiety reported by the children. Ethical guidelines were strictly followed, with informed consent obtained from parents or guardians and assent from the children. Results: The results indicated a significant correlation between dental noise and anxiety levels among the study subjects. Females were more likely to avoid dental visits due to fear and anxiety compared to males. Noise was identified as a primary factor contributing to dental anxiety, with both males and females reporting moderate to high levels of annoyance from dental sounds. The study also found that audiovisual distractions, such as watching TV, were preferred by a significant proportion of children as a coping mechanism to mitigate the impact of noise during dental visits. Conclusion: This study highlights the significant role of noise in contributing to dental anxiety among children. The findings suggest that dental professionals should consider implementing non-invasive techniques, such as audiovisual distractions, to manage anxiety in young patients.

Keywords: Dental anxiety, pediatric dentistry, dental office noise, Corah's Dental Anxiety Scale, auditory stimuli



Anxiety is an emotional and physiological response to known and unknown causes ranging from normal to extreme dysfunction.  Dental anxiety is a significant problem for patients and dental care providers. A common perturbing problem for dentists is the fear of dental treatment ( Newton JT, Buck DJ  2000).  There may be negligence of oral hygiene and the dental treatment may be delayed in fearful patients. Dental anxiety patients have often reported social and psychological disabilities. Dental fear is differentiated from dental anxiety based on the occurrence of the situation and they are highly related to each other. Dental fear is a normal unpleasant emotional reaction to specific frightening stimuli related to dental treatment, whereas dental apprehension or anxiety is an extreme and perverse emotional condition experienced by patients visiting the dental office (Armfield JM et al., 2006).

Anxious children are often hard to manage, and they are likely o evade essential dental treatment. This, in turn, leads to significant worsening of oral and ultimately general health of the children. With the recent advancement in dentistry, like introducing new techniques and new dental materials, the awareness of oral health has improved. (Withers RD) Regardless of these advances, the fear and anxiety associated with the dental setting is a setback. Amongst commonly feared situations, dental fear and anxiety have been graded fifth. Thus, anxious children avoid visits to the dental office due to its high predominance(Appukuttan DPet al.,2013).

              Significant knowledge and skill from the dental surgeon and the dental nurse is required for children with fear and anxiety. Currently, non-invasive techniques are gaining importance in the dental setting.( Muppa Ret al.,2013) Many studies suggest that the anxiety-provoking stimuli include the view of the needle, odor of various dental materials, and sound generated in the dental office. The present study aims to assess apprehension related to noise in the dental office among children in the age group 6-15 years. Corah's dental anxiety based survey questionnaire was circulated amongst the study subjects. The results suggest the sound generated in the dental office leads to apprehension, thus attributing to evasion of dental treatment.( Oosterink Fet al.,2008)

Materials And Method


Corah's dental anxiety-based survey questionnaire was circulated amongst the study subjects. Name, age, gender, and school were included in the primary component whereas the secondary component of the questionnaire included query designed at children’s mind-set towards the sound generated in the dental office and its association to dental fear and dental anxiety.



It can be clearly stated that greater part of females (50%) stay away from visits to the dental office when compared to males because of dental anxiety and fear (Figure 1 & 2) It can also be seen that anxiousness is the feeling felt by about 48% of the people visiting a dental clinic (Figure 1). 

It is clear from the above graph that noise is the only reason that both males (23%) and females (27%) are on par with each other. Also, females (50%) tend to feel more anxiety and fear when compared to the males (29%) (Figure 2).

Around 30%of the males find it moderately annoying due to the noise produced. Also, about 32% of the females find it annoying (Figure 3)

Patient satisfaction is one of the most important meters to assess health care quality, so to cope with the noise in the dental clinic 46% of the females prefer to watch TV and 45% of the males do too (Figure 4).



Regardless of the recent advances in the modern era of dentistry, the incidence of dental fear and anxiety in the current study was found to be 53.5%, suggesting that levels of anxiety and apprehension related to the dental treatment was extensive in the study subjects, which was comparatively higher than the other studies  (Swetah V, Kumar RP).  The prevalence rates in the other studies ranged from 4 to 30%. Methodological, geographical, and cultural variation can be the reason for this dissimilarity.

The present study aims to assess apprehension related to noise in the dental office among children in the age group 6-15 years. Various researches were done to determine the effect of sound generated in dental setting on dental experts. ( Lahmann C et al.,2008). Dental professionals who are continuously exposed to noise for considerable period of time are reported to have hearing loss and this was observed in a study conducted by (Derryberry D, Reed MA 2002). Many studies were focused on the effect of noise on dental experts. This study, as well as other studies  have concentrated on professionals working in dental clinics overlooking the outcome of such noises on the patients receiving dental treatment  The sound in the dental office  may not provoke hearing loss in the patients as the treatment time is only for shorter duration but there may be discomfort due to dental fear and anxiety stimulate by equipments and instruments in the dental office.( Kanegane Ket al.,2003, Norlund Set al.,2010)

Males were found to be more dentally anxious when compared to females. Fear and anxiety levels were higher in males than females but anxiety levels for the age group were statistically significant, which corroborates with the study conducted by Malvania EA, Ajithkrishnan CG.2011. Kleinknecht RAet al.,1973.

Each individual has a specific response for a different stimulus during the process of dental treatment. (Samorodnitzky GR, Levin L )2005.  The current study reported that hearing greater intensity of noise was the universal cause for fear and anxiety among dental patients, similar to the previous studies. (Hannah Aet al., 2004 Lourenço EAet al.,2011).

The noise level from the devices used for teaching in dental schools was calculated by placing a microphone near the operator’s ear in a study conducted by Oxford School of Dentistry. (Ribeiro de Souza HMM 1998, Travaglini F1997). The intensity of noise from dental devices triggered only during the cutting moments ranged from 64 to 97?dB (Mojarad F 2009). Even though this differs from the methods of the current study the results are found to be same. (Kadanakuppe S 2011, Willershausen Bet al.,2014).

An analogous study was conducted by Jundiai et al. in Brazil in the private dental practice (Choosong KW et al.,2007 Lawrence SMet al.,1991). They found the noise generated from a high-speed dental handpiece increased the anxiety levels in the patients, which was similar to the current study. (Prabhakar AR et al.,2007, Klein SA, Winkelstein ML 1996.)



The current study concludes that the incidence of dental fear and anxiety was comparatively higher in study subjects. Males are likely to be more anxious than females during visits to the dental office. The general reason for fear and anxiety was during invasive dental procedures like tooth preparation for restoration and administration of local anaesthetic solution for extraction. Many procedures like tell-show-do, relaxation, distraction, systematic desensitization, modeling, audio analgesia, hypnosis are available for managing a child with dental anxiety Behavior management techniques can be blooming among all these procedures.  Currently, non-invasive techniques are gaining importance in the dental setting. The most effective management of dentally anxious children was an audiovisual distraction. Now non-invasive techniques like distraction are becoming more popular.

Author contribution


Bhaskaran Sathyapriya. conceived of the presented idea. Swamikannu Bhuminathan,  Jayesh S Raghavendra, Adugula Chandrakala , Geo Danny C and Vignesh N R encouraged and supervised the findings of this work. All authors discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript.



None declared


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