Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Impact of Bacterial Infections on Semen Parameters in Sub-Fertile Men

 Muzdalifa Mejbel Fadwi 1,3*, Sawsan Q.T. Al-Quhli 1, Ziad H. Abd 2

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Journal of Angiotherapy 8(4) 1-8

Submitted: 05 February 2024  Revised: 03 April 2024  Published: 09 April 2024 


The male reproductive system is a complex structure crucial for sperm generation, transportation, and release. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between bacterial infections and male fertility by evaluating sperm parameters. A prospective observational study was conducted on 100 sub-fertile men and 30 fertile controls in western Iraq from October 2022 to October 2023. Semen samples were collected and analyzed for bacterial infections and sperm parameters. Results showed prevalent bacteria in seminal fluid, including E. coli, Enterococcus faecalis, and Streptococcus agalactiae. No significant differences in age (p = 0.813) or BMI (p = 0.609) were seen between the control group and the sub-fertile males group. Compared to fertile and sub-fertile males, bacteriospermia altered sperm concentration, motility, and morphology, affecting male fertility. Bacterial infections correlated with decreased semen volume, sperm count, motility, and morphology. Healthy fertile men exhibited superior sperm parameters compared to sub-fertile groups, emphasizing the clinical significance of bacteriospermia on male fertility. This study provides insights into the relationship between bacterial infections and male reproductive outcomes, informing potential therapeutic interventions for male sub-fertility.

Keywords: Male sub-fertility, Bacterial infections, Semen parameters, Sperm characteristics, Fertility assessment, Bacteriospermia


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