Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X

Efficient Removal of Acetamiprid Pesticide Using Date Core-Derived Activated Carbon and Korai Clay As A Good Sorbent

Huda Azhar Fadel 1*,  Lekaa Hussein Khdaim 1

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Journal of Angiotherapy 8(2) 1-8

Submitted: 30 November 2023  Revised: 23 January 2024  Published: 09 February 2024 


We used activated carbon derived from Iraqi date cores to study the efficacious removal of acetamiprid pesticide effluent. This activated carbon was made using chemicals and physical processes involving a 5M hosphoric acid solution. Various factors such as the concentration of acetamiprid pesticide, mixing duration, contact time, the quantity of activated carbon, temperature, and pH of the media were examined to understand how they influence the efficiency of acetamiprid pesticide removal. The results show that maximum adsorption of 0.05 g/L dosage, 150 mg/L dye concentration, and 3-hour contact time adsorption duration were optimal for 97.00- 99.00% removal efficiency. The adsorption equilibrium was performed using Freundlich, Temkin, Harkins-jura, Dupin, Elovitch, and Langmuir. Density function theory (DFT) was used to simulate the pesticide acetamiprid to determine the reaction origin. The results show that the Freundlich model with R2 values equal to 0.738 demonstrated better agreement with the adsorption experimental data. According to thermodynamic analysis, the pesticide is endothermic and spontaneous, indicating increased unpredictability at the adsorbent-adsorbent interface. It also indicates the pHZpc of the negatively charged carbon surface at pH = 2.0. Two models of pseudo-first and pseudo-second order were included in the kinetic analysis. The outcomes indicate that a pseudo-second-order model with R2 > 0.9998 fits the experimental data better.

Keywords: Acetamiprid, Adsorption, Kinetics, Pesticide, Pollution, Isotherms, DFT.


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