Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

A Review of Healing Potential of Indian Flora: An Ethnopharmacological Evidence of Wound Healing Activity

Rasmita Jena 1,2, Durga Madhab Kar 1*, Sovan Pattanaik 1, Bhisma Narayan Ratha 3

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 8(1) 1-13

Submitted: 02 December 2023  Revised: 30 December 2023  Published: 20 January 2024 


Introduction: Healing a wound involves a complex series of coordinated chemical and cellular events to restore the integrity of skin and underlying tissues. Many people prefer using medicinal plants as an alternative therapy for this purpose globally. Objective: The focal point of the review is based on the ethnopharmacological profiling and validation of plants. The reviewed plants belong to the India region and have promising wound healing activity which has been scientifically proven by in vivo as well as in vitro studies. Numerous phyto extracts and their secondary metabolites are known as promising alternatives for wound healing agents due to the existence of miscellaneous dynamic constituents, ease of access, and their inadequate side effects. Methods: The plant profile was explored from various sources including scientific search engines such as Google Scholar, Niscare repository, Scopus, Pubmed, Sciencedirect, Sci-Finder, and Springer including reports and thesis from Proquest. Keywords such as wound healing property, plant extract, and animal models were employed in combination with the ethnopharmacological claim, pharmacological activity, etc. Conclusion: This review provides comprehensive data from published research work on medicinal plants over 10 years, focusing on wound healing activity and its ethnopharmacological profiling from different tribal belts. This review features the potential of medicinal plants to contribute to drug discovery as a compelling wound healer which may help in the discovery of a new drug molecule with a maximum margin of safety. However further studies are needed such as novel formulation, and target-based drug delivery systems by performing clinical studies for the scientific exploration and validation from laboratory to industry for societal value.

Keywords: Wound healing, natural product, phyto-medicine, ethnopharmacology, organic composites.


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