Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
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Multimorbidity Management: Challenges, Interventions, and Patient-Centered Care in Primary Healthcare for Chronic Conditions

Mohammed Taresh Alshammari 1*, Bunaydir Aali almotairi 1, Reem Sultan Alshaibani 1, Bashair Maqbool Alharbi 1, Munirah Nassar Arabi 1, Maryam Helal Alanazi 1, ‏Layla Aqeel Alanizi 1, ‏Aljazi Awadh AlAni 1, Afnan Mohammed Al Dosari 1, Eman Ibrahim Alshaikh Ali 1, Khwlah Abdulaziz Alswaied 1, Mohammed Naif Al Mutairi 1, Abdulkarim Shunayn Safi Alanazi 1, Fahad Husayyan Al Enazi 1, Bander Nasser Alharbi 1

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 7(2) 1-6

Submitted: 21 October 2023  Revised: 29 December 2023  Published: 30 December 2023 


Background: Multimorbidity, the coexistence of multiple chronic conditions, presents significant challenges to health systems worldwide. The increasing prevalence of multimorbidity among aging populations necessitates innovative strategies to optimize healthcare delivery, enhance medication adherence, and improve patient-centered outcomes. Despite advancements in technology and interventions, gaps remain in understanding how best to address multimorbidity’s complexities, particularly in socioeconomically deprived regions and specialized fields like precision personalized medicine. Methods: A systematic review of recent studies and meta-analyses was conducted, focusing on interventions to improve outcomes in multimorbid patients. Data sources included randomized controlled trials, observational studies, and systematic reviews from 2000 to 2023. Interventions were categorized into behavior change techniques, mobile health (mHealth) solutions, and patient-centered care models. Case studies from projects in livestock farming and precision medicine were incorporated to explore multidisciplinary applications, including nanotechnology and the development of antibiotic-free solutions. Results: The review highlighted that patient-centered care models, such as the 3D approach, significantly improved the quality of life and reduced unplanned hospital admissions among patients with multimorbidity. mHealth interventions, including SMS reminders and mobile apps, enhanced medication adherence by up to 20%, with interactive voice response systems showing similar benefits. Integrated care models leveraging information and communication technology demonstrated promise in managing multimorbidity among older adults. Additionally, the application of nanotechnology in precision medicine and agriculture, particularly in antibiotic-free broiler production, provided novel insights into addressing health and environmental challenges simultaneously. Conclusion: Addressing multimorbidity requires an interdisciplinary approach that integrates patient-centered care, technological innovation, and evidence-based interventions. While mHealth solutions and behavior change techniques hold substantial potential, their success depends on tailoring interventions to individual patient needs and socioeconomic contexts. Future research should emphasize scalability and the integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as nanotechnology, to improve health outcomes across diverse populations. Collaborative efforts between healthcare providers, researchers, and policymakers are essential to ensure sustainable and equitable advancements in multimorbidity management.

Keywords: multimorbidity, primary care, chronic conditions, patient-centered care, healthcare interventions


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