The Impact of Trauma System Development on Mortality and Emergency Medical Services Integration in Advancing Prehospital Care – A Systematic Review
Fouad Hamed Saeed Alamri 1, Mohanad Emad K Elyas 1, Mohammad Raja Aljehani 1, Ibrahim Abdullah Ibrahim Alsannat 1, Bandar Mohammad Abdullah Alkhathami 1, Seham Ahmed Alanazi 1, Alaa Ibrahim Rashad 1, Naifa Hail Alaida 1, Abdulrahman Abdullah Alorf 1, Salwa Rashed Alowaidan 1, Ahmed Saleh Alghamdi 1, Naif Saad Abdullah Alqahtani 1, Mashael Ali Darbashi 1, Noor Abdulaziz Alzuhair 1, Abeer Saleh Alghamdi 1, Sahar Adi Albogamy 1, Mashael Shaya Aljabri 1, Ghadeer Ghazi ALKhabbaz 1, Muneef Olean Alharbi 1, Faisal Ali AlKhaibari 1, Hissah Abdulkarim Alqubaysi 1, Dalal Mussad Albogami 1, Khwlah Abdulaziz Alswaied 1
Journal of Angiotherapy 7(2) 1-10
Submitted: 15 November 2023 Revised: 29 December 2023 Published: 30 December 2023
Background: Injuries are a leading cause of global mortality and disability, accounting for approximately 9% of all deaths. Effective prehospital care protocols play a crucial role in reducing trauma-related mortality and morbidity. However, their impact varies depending on the developmental stage of trauma systems. This review evaluates the efficacy of prehospital interventions across different stages of trauma system maturity. Methods: A systematic review was conducted following the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology. Peer-reviewed articles published up to 2023 were retrieved from MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CINAHL databases. The analysis focused on studies assessing the impact of prehospital care protocols on trauma outcomes, particularly mortality reduction. Results: The findings indicate that well-structured trauma systems, integrating prehospital services, rehabilitation, and coordinated care, significantly reduce mortality and morbidity. Advanced prehospital diagnostic tools, including ultrasound, oxygen saturation monitoring, and capnography, have improved early trauma assessment. However, the accuracy of prehospital ultrasound varies widely (18.7%–68%), affecting its reliability. Rapid prehospital decompression for pneumothorax has shown substantial survival benefits, particularly in ventilated patients. Despite these advancements, inconsistencies in the application of prehospital protocols by emergency medical services (EMS) personnel highlight the need for standardized guidelines and enhanced training. Conclusion: The review underscores the critical role of prehospital care protocols in improving trauma outcomes. Continuous investment in trauma system development, EMS training, and the integration of innovative technologies is essential to optimizing prehospital care. Future research should focus on standardizing protocols and refining diagnostic strategies to enhance prehospital trauma management.
Keywords: Prehospital care, trauma systems, emergency medical services, survival rates, injury management, diagnostic tools.
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