Programmable DNA binding oligomers for control of transpcription in angiogenesis
Sarah Furkan
Journal of Angiotherapy 1(1) 033-035
Submitted: 11 September 2016 Revised: 16 February 2017 Published: 10 May 2017

The drug discovery opportunities with chemistry, biology and human medicine are increasing by mapping and sequencing the genetic blueprint of humans, mice and other organisms. The realization of the function of 25,000 genes of humans and understanding the biological circles that control these genes will be a crucial starting point for new chemistry technologies. The cellular events that lead to cancer and diseases in human involve aberrant gene expression. Small molecules that can be programmed to mimic transcription factors could be useful tools in biology and potentially in human medicine as they could bind a large repertoire of DNA sequences in the human genome.
Keywords: Transcription, Oligomers, DNA, Chromatin, Drug Discovery, Angiogenesis
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