Nutritional Status and Individual Dietary Diversity Among Peoples Living With HIV

Nur Alam a, A B M Nahid Hasan b, Salaha Khatun a, Mosaddekur Chowdhury b, Niloy Roy a, Roni Akhter a, Priyanka Roy Simu a, Jahid Hasan Jim a, Asrafia Akter a, Abdul Kaiyum Prodhan a, Rume Akter a, Riaz Rahman Shaikh a, Sakila Akter a, Kawsar-E-Jahan a, Abdus S Mondola, Rokshana Rabeya a*

+ Author Affiliations

Microbial Bioactives 5(1) 164-170

Submitted: 25 February 2022  Revised: 15 June 2022  Published: 20 June 2022 

Influence of dietary diversity on HIV patients


Background: The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) progression is correlated with nutritional status and dietary diversity. At all phases of HIV, nutrition is a significant factor. The goal of this study was to assess the nutritional status and individual dietary diversity among people living with HIV in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Methods:  A cross-sectional study was performed between July 2020 and December 2020 included 338 HIV positive patients. All of the drop-in centers of CARE Bangladesh were chosen on purpose for this study. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to get the information. Descriptive statistics were used to introduce the background variables by frequency and percentage. The Chi-square test and bivariate logistic regression were used to measure the association. Results: According to the findings, only 3% of the 338 HIV patients in this study had low individual dietary diversity (IDS), while 82% had high IDDS and 16% had medium. All of the people we surveyed ate cereals and starchy roots, while the least consumed food was consumed organ meat (38.5%). According to the data, 22.5% of people were underweight, 6.5% were overweight, and 71% were in the normal range of weights. Nutritional nourishment were found to be statistically significant at age (p=0.011), education (p <0.001), Sex (p = 0.008), monthly income (p < 0.00), marital status (p <0.001), and family type (P =0.014). The probability of malnutrition was 1.32 times higher in the 31–40 age group than in the 18–30 age group. Conclusion:  People living with HIV consume a wide variety of foods. The majority of the people who took part in the survey were of average weight and had a healthy nutritional status index. Even though non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government partnerships made things more accessible than before, some respondents were still underweight and malnourished.

Keywords: AIDS; HIV; Individual Dietary Diversity-IDDS; People living with HIV-PLHIV.


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