Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
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Diabetes Mellitus and Heart Failure: Mechanistic Insights, Therapeutic Advances, and Multidisciplinary Approaches for Optimal Management

Rashed Faisai Rashed Alharbi 1, Bunaydir Aali Almotairi 1*, Sulaiman Ahmed Almansour 1, Bandar Zaben Muhammad Alharbi 1, Bander Batti Alrasheedi 1, Abdulaziz Ahmad Alrashidi 1, Amani Ayyadhah Alanazi 1, Soliman Mohammed Alehaidib 1, Ahlam Mohammed Alzahrani 1, Maysam Taysir Almegbel 1, Turki Suleiman Aqeel Al-Shammari 1, Talal Ali Saleh Al Shammari 1, Sultan Abdulaziz Altheyab 1, Ammash Alsharari 1, Nawaf Subhi Dobayan Alenazi 1, Adel Mansour Alzahrani 1

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 7 (2) 1-10

Submitted: 17 October 2023 Revised: 29 December 2023  Published: 30 December 2023 


Diabetes mellitus and heart failure are intricately linked through shared pathophysiological mechanisms, including insulin resistance, oxidative stress, and lipotoxicity, which collectively contribute to diabetic cardiomyopathy. This unique cardiac complication results in both systolic and diastolic dysfunction, further complicating the management of heart failure in diabetic patients. Glycemic control plays a pivotal role in mitigating cardiovascular risks, with antidiabetic medications like SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists demonstrating significant benefits beyond glucose regulation, including reductions in heart failure hospitalizations and improved overall cardiovascular outcomes. The complexity of managing diabetes-related heart failure necessitates a multidisciplinary approach, integrating expertise from cardiology and endocrinology to develop individualized treatment strategies, enhance patient education, and ensure adherence to therapeutic regimens. Furthermore, advancing our understanding of the interplay between diabetes and heart failure requires ongoing research into long-term effects of combined interventions, encompassing lifestyle modifications, pharmacological innovations, and emerging therapies. This review emphasizes the importance of collaboration and innovation in addressing the multifaceted relationship between these conditions. Effective management strategies not only improve clinical outcomes but also enhance the quality of life for individuals with diabetes, ultimately reducing the global burden of heart failure.

Keywords: Diabetic cardiomyopathy, Heart failure, SGLT2 inhibitors, Glycemic control, Multidisciplinary care


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