Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
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The Intersection of Alcohol Dependence and Major Depressive Disorder: Genetic, Psychological, and Treatment Implications

Mohammed Thamr Almutairi 1*, ‏Raed Mohammed Alomair 1, ‏Abdulrahman Awadh H Alharbi 1, Mohammed Salem Alshammari 1, Sultan Safah A Alharbi 1, Abdullah Marzouq Alotaibai 1, Khalid Obid  Abdullah  Alruki 1, Mohammed Menwer Alruwaili 1, Saleh Helayyil Saleh Alharbi 1, Taleb Ghazi Thaar Aldalbahi 1, Hatim Bunaydir Bader AImutairi 1, Amer Hassan Mohammed Al-Shahri 1, Hassan Duairam Thawab Al-Shahrani 1, Hassan Duairam Thawab Al-Shahrani 1

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 4 (1) 1-14

Submitted: 01 November 2019 Revised: 04 January 2020  Published: 05 January 2020 


Background: The comorbidity of major depressive disorder (MDD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) represents a significant public health challenge, influencing treatment outcomes and recovery. Both conditions often share overlapping neurobiological mechanisms, complicating clinical management and prognosis. Polygenic scores, serotoninergic dysfunction, and neural plasticity changes are pivotal in understanding this dual pathology. Methods: A comprehensive review of studies examining the relationship between MDD and AUD was conducted, focusing on genetic, neurobiological, and therapeutic interventions. Data were sourced from randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses, and genetic studies, evaluating pharmacological treatments, psychotherapy, and integrative approaches. Key interventions included antidepressants, naltrexone, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Results: Genetic studies indicate a shared genetic susceptibility between MDD and AUD, with polygenic risk scores showing a strong correlation. Pharmacological treatments, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and the combination of antidepressants with alcohol-sensitizing agents (e.g., naltrexone), demonstrated significant efficacy in managing both disorders concurrently. Psychotherapeutic interventions, particularly CBT and motivational interviewing, were effective in reducing substance use and depressive symptoms, with integrative approaches providing the best outcomes. Conclusion: The comorbidity of MDD and AUD is multifactorial, with both genetic and neurobiological factors playing a crucial role. Integrated treatment strategies, combining pharmacological and psychological interventions, are essential for addressing the complex needs of patients. Ongoing research into the shared pathophysiological mechanisms and personalized treatment approaches holds promise for improving long-term recovery outcomes in individuals with these dual diagnoses.

Keywords: Alcohol Dependence, Major Depression, Genetic Predisposition, Treatment Efficacy, Comorbid Disorders


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