Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Hydrophobin-Coated Noisomes as Drug Carriers in Lung Cancer Cells - A Review

Srishti Namdeo 1, Chandrapratap Dhimar 2

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 7 (2) 1-8

Submitted: 18 October 2023 Revised: 28 November 2023  Published: 12 December 2023 


Nanoparticles loaded with anti-cancer drugs are designed to selectively target Lung Cancer Cells (LCCs) by interacting with various receptors. Hydrophobin-coated niosomes, a type of carrier system, show lower cytotoxicity in vitro compared to existing anti-cancer drugs. The hydrophobin-coated formulation demonstrates higher cytotoxicity against cancer cells than control cells. Lung cancer can spread to distant organs, posing challenges such as multidrug resistance and recurrence. Traditional chemotherapies may face resistance due to genetic mutations. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based automatic organ segmentation has been validated for radiation treatment planning in lung cancer patients. LCCs-CNN niosomes, similar to liposomes, offer enhanced cellular membrane permeability and high biocompatibility. This carrier system shields the drug molecule from breakdown and deactivation. Hydrophobin-coated niosomes outperform polyethylene glycol-coated ones in various aspects, including size distribution, entrapment efficiency, release profile, biocompatibility, and cancer prevention success.

Keywords: Lung cancer cells, Drugs, Patients, Convolutional Neural Network.


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