Integrative Biomedical Research | Online ISSN  2207-872X
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Unlocking Nature’s Treasure Trove: Exploring Microorganisms for Novel Bioactives

Tasbir Amin1, Abu Bakar Karim1, Israk Iram Oyshe1, Amana Hossain1, Tafsir karim1, Jinath Sultana Jime1, Nayeema Bulbul1, Md. Asaduzzaman Shishir2, Ashrafus Safa3, Md. Fakruddin1*

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Angiotherapy 7 (1) 1-10

Submitted: 23 August 2023 Revised: 24 September 2023  Published: 03 October 2023 


From the marine environment to plants and animals, microorganisms are everywhere. Microbes happen to be a very prominent resource of metabolites and bioactive compounds and in recent times, many therapeutic compounds have been discovered from microbial sources. This review provides an in-depth exploration into the world of microorganisms as a treasure trove of novel bioactives. Different groups of microbes contain unique metabolites and bioactive that might have the potential as therapeutic agents. So, it is very important to screen microbial metabolites to identify, isolate and characterize for potential therapeutic applications. Microbial metabolites are very advantageous in terms of large-scale production and purity of final products. Considering these advantages, research focusing on screening potential microbial bioactive is a very time demanding one. This comprehensive review aims to inspire researchers and stakeholders to further explore and unlock the vast potential of microorganisms for the discovery and development of innovative bioactive compounds.

Keyword: Microorganisms, Bacteria, Biologics, Therapeutics, Bioactives, Metabolites


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