Journal of Integrative Microbial Sciences | Online ISSN 2209-2161

Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Cytotoxic, DNA Protective Activities, and Molecular Docking Studies of the Methanolic Extract of Salvia siirtica Kahraman, Celep & Dogan sp. Nov. (Lamiaceae)

Lutfiye Yasemin Gonder1, Betul Aydin2*, Yigit Can Ates3, Damla Nur Parilti2, Leyla Acik2, Aytuna Cerci4

+ Author Affiliations

Microbial Bioactives 6(1) 110-118

Submitted: 13 December 2022  Revised: 28 March 2023  Published: 10 April 2023 


Background: Medicinal plants have long been utilized in traditional medicine in Turkey and worldwide. The flora of Turkey is so rich it needs to be discovered, documented, and explored. This plant species is the origin of many valuable medicinal chemicals. Salvia species was used in folk medicine for many years in Turkey. One of the new Salvia species is Salvia siirtica.

Methods: The antimicrobial, cytotoxic, antioxidant, DNA restriction inhibition, and DNA protective activities of methanolic extract of S. siirtica were studied.

Results: The extract has better activity than the standard antibiotics against P. aeruginosa, meanwhile, showed high DPPH scavenging activity with an IC50 value of 28.72 ± 8.02 µg/ml. The extract exhibited good cytotoxic potential with IC50 value 0.31 ± 0.07 mg/ml towards H1299 cell line. The restriction enzyme inhibition in presence of plant extract proves that extract can interact with restriction endonuclease enzymes. Apigenin and Luteolin 7- glycoside are two high components of S. siirtica were docked against potential intracellular targets to evaluate their inhibition capability. Luteolin its derivative luteolin-7-glycoside showed the highest potential in molecular docking studies.

Conclusions: Determining the bioactivity of these components by isolating them from the plant may pave the way for their use as supportive agents in the fight against many diseases.

Keywords: Antioxidant, Cytotoxicity, DNA-interaction, Docking, Salvia siirtica


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