MicroBio Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacology | Online ISSN 2209-2161
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Bioactive Properties of Spirulina: A Review

Amir Ali Anvara, Bahareh Nowruzi*b

+ Author Affiliations

Microbial Bioactives 4(1) 134-142 https://doi.org/10.25163/microbbioacts.412117B0719110521

Revised: 11 May 2021  Published: 19 May 2021 


Spirulina is a single-cell protein rich in all essential nutrients and vitamins and can be used to produce functional food. In fact, one of the most important problems in the food industry is the use of synthetic food additives that increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, efforts are being made around the world today to isolate new and safe antioxidants from natural sources. Among these, the natural products of cyanobacteria are an important source of new drug compounds. Natural bioactive products not only have medicinal value themselves but are also used as building models to create synthetic analogs. The chemical composition of Spirulina includes protein (70-55%), carbohydrates (25-25%), essential fatty acids (18%), vitamins, minerals, and pigments such as carotene, chlorophyll A and phycocyanin. Obviously, the introduction of valuable properties of cyanobacteria Spirulina can be a suitable substitute for many antimicrobial compounds and synthetic antioxidants that not only pose no risk to the consumer but can also improve consumer health. In this review, we have discussed the important nutrient, bioactive properties, and immunological applications of Spirulina. The current research suggests that spirulina supplementations have been accepted by global accreditation as a safe nutritional and dietary supplement.

Keywords: Dietary supplements; Food; Safe nutrition; Spirulina.


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