Advances in Herbal Research | online ISSN 2209-1890
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Technological Advancements in Herbal Medicine: Enhancing Efficacy, Safety, and Accessibility

Md Shamsuddin Sultan Khan 1*, Saiful Islam 2*, Chun Gunag Li 3, Mohsin Ahmed 4

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Australian Herbal Insight 1(1) 1-12

Submitted: 11 February 2019  Revised: 16 April 2019  Published: 18 April 2019 


Background: Herbal medicine, an ancient practice involving plant-based substances for therapeutic purposes, has been significantly transformed by modern technology. These advancements have enhanced the efficacy, safety, and accessibility of herbal remedies, addressing historical limitations related to accuracy and consistency in traditional methods. Methods: This review examines the historical context of herbal medicine and explores major technological advancements such as sophisticated extraction techniques, analytical methods, and formulation technologies. We analyze specific case studies and applications demonstrating the impact of these technologies, and discuss ongoing challenges and future directions for the field. Results: The integration of modern technologies has revolutionized the field of herbal medicine. Techniques like supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) have significantly improved the efficiency, selectivity, and purity of herbal extracts. Advanced analytical methods, including high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, have enhanced the characterization and standardization of herbal products. Formulation technologies, such as nanotechnology and encapsulation, have increased the bioavailability and stability of herbal compounds. Conclusion: Technological advancements have addressed many traditional challenges in herbal medicine, leading to safer, more effective, and consistent products. However, issues related to regulatory approval, standardization, and the need for extensive clinical trials remain. Future research should focus on establishing global standards for herbal medicine production, conducting large-scale clinical trials, and exploring the potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning in predicting therapeutic outcomes and identifying new bioactive compounds. These efforts will ensure the continued evolution and integration of herbal medicine into modern therapeutic practices.

Keywords: Herbal medicine, Technological advancements, Traditional methods, Extraction techniques, Analytical tools.


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