Advances in Herbal Research | online ISSN 2209-1890

Editorial Structure

Editorial Board

All submissions to Australian Herbal Insight are assessed initially by the Editor-in-Chief and, if considered to lie within the journal´s scope and to be of sufficient quality, are sent for external peer review, in consultation with members of the Editorial Board. This board comprises scientists and researchers whose expertise spans topics relevant to the journal´s scope. Associate Editors make recommendations about publication of articles in the journal but the final decision is the responsibility of the Editor.


  • Zeyad D. Nasar, PhD (University of Adelaide, Australia)

  • Amin Malik Shah Abdul Majid, Ph.D. (The Australian National University, Australia)

  • Seyedeh Fatemeh Jafari, Ph.D. Traditional Medicine Clinical Trial Research Center, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

Associate Editors

  • Maryam Keshavarzi, Ph.D. Faculty of Biological Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
  • Mohsen Naseri, Ph.D. Traditional Medicine Clinical Trial Research Center, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
  • Dr Oon Chern Ein (Malaysia)
  • Dr Aman Shah Bin Abdul Majid(Malaysia)
  • Dr Mohammed Khadeer Ahamed Basheer (Malaysia)
  • Dr Rosanani SM Anwarul Haque (Malaysia)
  • Dr Mohammed Adnan Iqbal (Pakistan)
  • Dr Loiy Elsir Ahmed Hassan (Malaysia)
  • Dr Chris Cazzonelli (Australia)
  • Prof Christoper Paris (Australia)
  • Dr Asaduzzaman Shishir (Bangladesh)
  • Dr Ali Fareed Jameel (Malaysia)
  • Dr Muhammad Asif (Pakistan)
  • Dr Elham Farsi (Malaysia)
  • Dr Saad Sabbar Dahham (Oman)
  • Dr Armaghan Shafaei (Malaysia)
  • Dr Nozlena Binti Abdul Samad (Malaysia)
  • Dr Fouad Saleih Al-Suede (Malaysia)
  • Dr Zeyad D. Nassar (Australia)
  • Dr Malek Zihlif (Jordan)
  • Dr Mouayed A. Hussein (Iraq)
  • Dr Md Shamsuddin Sultan Khan (Australia)


  • Md Shamsuddin Sultan Khan, CEO
  • Email

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Australian Herbal Insight