A Simple and Alternative UV Spectrometric Method for the Estimation of Vitamin D3 

Asma Rahman A, Md. Mahbubur Rahman B, Mohammad Shahnoor Hossain C, Md. Sarowar Jahan D, Noor Jahan Akter E and Md. Latiful Bari A

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Microbial Bioactives 2(1) 098-105

Submitted: 21 August 2019  Revised: 27 November 2019  Published: 26 December 2019 

Simple UV spectrometry based method for Vitamin D estimation


Background. A simple, rapid, accurate, precise, and economic spectrophotometric methods for estimation of vitamin D in from food, feed, pharmaceutical and environmental samples have been developed. Method. Vitamin D has absorbance maximums at 265.0 nm, so absorbance was measured at the same wave length for the estimation of vitamin D. Absorbance is measured at 275.0 nm. This drug obeys the Beer Lambert's law in the concentration range of 12 to 315 ng/mL. Methods are validated according to ICH guidelines and can be adopted for the routine analysis of vitamin D from food and drug samples. Results. This method offers a very simple procedure, avoids aggressive sample treatments, excellent determination coefficient (r2) value of 0.999. The average percentage of relative standard deviation (% RSD) for intra- and inter- day precision was found to be 0.14% and 0.13%, respectively. The average percentage of recovery was found to be 100.88%, hence, simple, cost effective, provided better precision and accuracy. Conclusion. Thus, this method could be applicable in accurate estimation of routine analysis of vitamin D from food, feed, pharmaceutical and environmental samples in food and drug industry.

Keywords: UV spectrometry, vitamin D, food, pharmaceutical, clinical, and environment.

Abbreviations: HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography; RIA, radioimmunoassay; LC-MS/MS, Liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunoassay; CLIA, chemiluminescent linked immunoassay; and ECL, electro-chemiluminescent; LLE, liquid-liquid extraction; and SPE, solid phase extraction; KOH, potassium hydroxide.


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