Artificial intelligence for Improved Diagnosis and Treatment of Bacterial Infections
Md Habibur Rahman1, Syeda Anjuman Ara Aunni2, Bulbul Ahmed2, Md Moshiur Rahman3, Md Mahedi Hasan Shabuj2, Debashis Chandra Das4, Mst. Shahana Akter5, Abdullah Al Numan6
Microbial Bioactives 7(1) 1-18
Submitted: 04 June 2024 Revised: 14 August 2024 Published: 15 August 2024

Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) is assuming a progressively crucial role in healthcare, providing enhanced diagnostic precision, tailored treatment strategies, and superior patient outcomes. Through the analysis of extensive medical data, including genetic information, lifestyle choices, and medical histories, AI has become an influential instrument in personalized medicine, especially for cancer and infectious diseases. Methods: Oncology AI models evaluate genetic profiles and treatment histories to propose personalized chemotherapy protocols that minimize adverse effects while improving therapeutic efficacy. When treating infectious diseases, tools like CombiANT use automated image analysis to check how well antibiotics work together. Portable antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods quickly find bacterial infections and make treatment plans that work best for them. Advanced AI systems, like ChatGPT-3, deliver precise differential diagnoses, accelerating clinical decision-making. Results: AI-driven personal therapy strategies have demonstrated considerable potential in cancer by enhancing therapeutic efficacy through the assessment of individual genetic variants. In infectious illnesses, AI's capacity to evaluate bacterial susceptibility and anticipate therapeutic responses is transforming treatment accuracy. Furthermore, AI models have attained significant diagnostic precision, highlighting their capacity to enhance and expedite clinical methodologies. Conclusion: Although AI has significant potential to revolutionize personalized healthcare, several hurdles remain. This encompasses data privacy issues, the opaque nature of AI decision-making, and the sluggish progression of converting research into practical applications. Overcoming these challenges through cooperation, innovation, and comprehensive policy development is crucial for maximizing AI's potential to enhance personalized medicine and treatment outcomes.
Keywords: AI, personalized healthcare, diagnosis accuracy, treatment precision, bacterial infections
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