Journal of Integrative Microbial Sciences | Online ISSN 2209-2161
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Bacillus spp.: Attractive Sources of Anti-cancer and Anti-proliferative Biomolecules

Umme Tamanna Ferdousa, Md. Asaduzzaman Shishirb, Shakila Nargis Khana, Md. Mozammel Hoqa, *

+ Author Affiliations

Microbial Bioactives 1(1) 033-045

Submitted: 04 May 2018  Revised: 08 August 2018  Published: 13 August 2018 


Cancer treatment remains as an expensive process due to the cost of sophisticated infrastructure development as well as its maintenance with skilled personnel. At the same time, the success rate is not very inspiring since non-specific target oriented medication could cause other health complexities leading to death. Research for alternative therapies aimed at minimizing the side effects of treatments and increasing the survival rates of patients includes routine explorations for anticancer agents from numerous sources (e.g. microbes, plants and nanoparticles). Anticancer activities of several bacterial components especially from Bacillus spp. were reported in many scientific reports. For economic production of these agents, potential strains from this genus could be feasible and sustainable for their long and successful utilization in industries. The review is therefore, focused on describing the available anticancer and anti-proliferative agents reported worldwide from Bacillus spp.

Keywords: Bacillus spp., anti-cancer, anti-proliferative, bioactive, cancer therapy.

Significance: Potentials of Bacillus spp. in anti-cancer drug development.


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