Bionanotechnology, Drug Delivery, Therapeutics | online ISSN 3064-7789

Synthesis, Characterization and Biomedical Potential of Peptide-Gold Nanoparticle Hydrogels

Ikram Ullah Khan 1*

+ Author Affiliations

Biosensors and Nanotheranostics 2(1) 1-6

Submitted: 10 April 2023  Revised: 09 June 2023  Published: 12 June 2023 


Background: Nanotechnology has revolutionized fields like medicine and biotechnology by enabling the manipulation of materials at the atomic level. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are particularly valued for their unique optical and chemical properties, making them ideal for biomedical applications. Hydrogels, known for their biocompatibility and water retention capabilities, are key materials in biomedical engineering. This study explores the synthesis and characterization of peptide-gold nanoparticle hybrid hydrogels, combining the benefits of AuNPs and peptide-based hydrogels for potential biomedical applications. Methods: Peptides were synthesized using solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) and characterized through high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry. Gold nanoparticles were produced via the citrate reduction method and functionalized with peptides through Au–S bonds. These functionalized peptides self-assembled into hydrogels, which were then analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-Vis spectroscopy, and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) to evaluate their structural, optical, and mechanical properties. Results: The peptides showed high purity and accurate molecular weights. AuNPs were successfully synthesized and uniformly dispersed within the hydrogel matrix. TEM and cryo-TEM imaging confirmed nanoparticle incorporation, and rheological analysis demonstrated enhanced mechanical strength and shear-thinning behavior in the hybrid hydrogels. Conclusion: The developed peptide-gold nanoparticle hybrid hydrogels show great potential as multifunctional biomaterials, suitable for various biomedical applications such as drug delivery and tissue engineering.

Keywords: Nanotechnology, Gold Nanoparticles, Peptide Hydrogels, Biomedical Engineering, Drug Delivery


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