Precision sciences | Online ISSN 3064-9226
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Microbiome-Based Precision Medicine: Targeting Gut Health

Amatun Noor Prapty 1* Willy Munyao 2

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Journal of Precision Biosciences 2(1) 1-11

Submitted: 24 November 2020  Revised: 17 February 2020  Published: 18 February 2020 


Precision medicine requires to optimize treatment efficacy by addressing individual variability in responses to medical interventions. The 2015 Precision Medicine Initiative laid the groundwork for developing innovative tools and fostering collaboration to enhance patient care. Among its critical areas of focus, the human microbiome has emerged as a pivotal determinant of health and disease, influencing physiological, neurological, and endocrine functions, as well as drug metabolism and disease progression. This review examines microbiome-based precision medicine strategies, including probiotics, dietary modifications, and fecal microbiota transplantation, emphasizing their potential to overcome the limitations of conventional one-size-fits-all approaches. Evidence demonstrates that personalized interventions tailored to individual microbiome profiles can significantly improve treatment outcomes and prevent chronic diseases. Case studies underscore the transformative potential of these therapies across various medical fields. However, challenges such as standardization, ethical considerations, and legal frameworks remain critical barriers to widespread adoption. Despite these hurdles, microbiome-based precision medicine represents a promising frontier in healthcare, offering specialized and effective therapeutic strategies. Future research must address these challenges to unlock the full potential of microbiome-informed approaches, advancing personalized care and improving patient outcomes.

Keywords: Gut Microbiota, Precision Medicine, Personalized Interventions, Microbiome


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