Advances in Herbal Research | online ISSN 2209-1890

Assessing The Impact of Climate Change on Plant Life: Understanding Adaptations, Stress Responses, And Ecosystem Alterations in A Warming World

Md Ataur Rahman1*

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Australian Herbal Insight 2(1) 1-5

Submitted: 01 September 2019  Revised: 09 December 2019  Published: 11 December 2019 


Background: Climate change has introduced significant alterations in global temperature patterns, precipitation regimes, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations, thereby affecting plant growth, distribution, and productivity. These changes have far-reaching implications for ecosystem stability, food security, and biodiversity. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive literature review of studies from the past two decades, focusing on the effects of climate change on plant physiology, phenology, distribution, and ecosystem interactions. We analyzed data on temperature and precipitation changes, CO2 concentration impacts, and extreme weather events. A meta-analysis was performed on experimental and observational data to assess the extent of plant stress responses, phenological shifts, and ecosystem dynamics under changing climate conditions. Results: Our analysis revealed that rising temperatures have led to altered plant phenology, including earlier flowering and leaf-out. Increased CO2 concentrations have shown mixed effects on plant growth, enhancing photosynthesis in some species while reducing nutrient quality. Changes in precipitation patterns have caused both drought stress and flooding, significantly impacting plant productivity and  survival rates. Moreover, shifts in plant distribution are occurring, with some species migrating towards cooler habitats, while others face local extinction. Conclusion: Climate change profoundly affects plant life through complex interactions involving temperature, CO2 levels, and water availability. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for predicting future ecosystem changes and developing mitigation strategies to ensure food security and biodiversity conservation. 

Keywords: Climate change, Plant life, Phenology, CO2 concentration, Plant distribution, Ecosystem dynamics, Adaptation.


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