Agriculture and food sciences | Online ISSN: 3066-3407

Optimizing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization for Improved Onion (Allium cepa L.) Growth and Yield in Bangladesh

Mahfuz-Al Masud1, Md Kawser Ali2*, Jafor Raihan3, Mirza Kanij Ferdows3, Md Moniruzzaman4, Azmal Hossain5, Md Asaduzzaman6

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Applied Agriculture Sciences 3(1) 1-9

Submitted: 27 November 2025  Revised: 08 February 2025  Published: 09 February 2025 


Background: Onion (Allium cepa L.) is a crucial crop in Bangladesh, serving as both a vegetable and spice, but the country faces a significant onion production gap. This study investigates the effects of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers on onion growth and yield to optimize agricultural practices. Objective: To evaluate the individual and combined effects of different doses of nitrogen and phosphorus on onion growth and yield in Bangladesh. Methods: A field experiment was conducted in Niamatpur, Naogaon, Bangladesh, using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 16 treatment combinations of N (0, 50, 70, 90 kg/ha) and P (0, 40, 60, 80 kg/ha), replicated three times. The Taherpuri variety of onion was used. Growth and yield parameters, including plant height, number of leaves, bulb size, and yield per hectare, were recorded. Results: Nitrogen and phosphorus significantly impacted plant growth and bulb yield. The highest plant height (39.14 cm), leaf number (7.22), bulb length (4.08 cm), and bulb diameter (4.38 cm) were observed with 90 kg N/ha and 80 kg P/ha. The highest fresh bulb weight (21.36 g) and yield (21.36 t/ha) were recorded with 70 kg N/ha and 80 kg P/ha. These treatments outperformed the control, which showed the lowest values across parameters. Conclusion: The combined application of 70 kg N/ha and 80 kg P/ha significantly improved onion growth and yield in Bangladesh, offering a promising approach to enhancing production and reducing the supply-demand gap. Further studies could explore the long-term sustainability and economic viability of these fertilizer applications.

Keywords: Onion, nitrogen, phosphorus, fertilizer, growth, yield, Bangladesh, agriculture, nutrient management.


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